I follow him inside and look through the small stack of documents, signing my name next to all the marked tabs. He’ll have to hunt down Eli to sign all these as well.
“Did you see where Miss Hart took off to?” he asks as I finish.
“She and her fiancé went walking in the direction of the stable. I can point you in the right direction.”
“No need. She can just stop by my office this week.”
“I’ll give her the message.”
I walk him to the door, past her parents who are still quietly speaking to each other on the sofa. I’d rather avoid them, so I start up the stairs, but her father’s voice stops me.
“What’s your plan with the ranch?” he asks.
“I’ll have to talk to Eli about it.” I’m not giving these two any answers.
“Don’t let Brandon sway her one way or another.” He runs a hand down his tie. “I don’t trust him.”
Maybe they’re not as oblivious as I thought.
“Will do.” I give him a nod and walk up to my room.
Charlie follows me in and jumps up on my bed. She ended up sleeping in here with me last night. I get the feeling she’s not a fan of Brandon. Dogs always know.
There’s so much to process from today. I can’t stop my mind from reeling with all the new information that was thrown at me, but there are animals that need fed. I can’t stop taking care of the ranch just because it was a hard day.
“It makes so much sense to sell.” Brandon says as he tiptoes around a pile of shit. “You can’t actually believe you could run this place, do you?”
“Maybe. It’s not like I have no experience out here.”
“One summer does not make you an expert.”
“Obviously.” I turn away from him. “There are people I can trust to help me learn though.”
“Who? The hired help?” His voice drips with derision.
“Are you serious right now? The help?” I’m so tired of his holier than thou attitude about everything out here.
“That’s what they are, aren’t they? Plus, I’m not living here. I refuse.”
“I can’t do this anymore.” I take a step away from him.
“What do you mean?” His brows furrow. “You just want to sell and go back to LA?”
“No.” I gesture back and forth between us. “Us. I need a break.”
“A break? From me?” he asks incredulously.
“Yes.” I blink back tears, again. “You have made this whole situation so much harder for me. I don’t want to fight. I just need support. Love.”
“I do love you. I just think you’re clouded by emotions and not thinking rationally.”
“And I think you’re clouded by dollar signs.”
He’s been here for a day, and I just want him to leave so I can breathe again. There’s been no support, just a constant commentary about money and comps and other real estate bullshit. I feel like my life is on fire, and instead of helping extinguish the flames, he’s fueling them.