Tristan seemed to consider what to say next. “We’re notfriends, Aidan. We’re not lovers, either, but I think it’s closer to that thansome bro friendship where we watch sports and bitch about our girlfriends.That’s never been what we have. We don’t like to talk about it, but we loveeach other, too. We’re probably never going to get physical, but we’re stillmore than friends. Not really brothers. Something more, and we always havebeen. Zach is a friend. That’s all. I’m not looking to replace you. There is noreplacement for you. If you leave, that spot you fill inside me will be emptyforever.”
Aidan stared for a moment, shocked. “I thought we didn’ttalk about this.”
Tristan shrugged. “You get shot at as much as I’ve beenlately, your masculine ego suddenly doesn’t seem so fragile. I don’t care ifpeople think we’re fucking each other. Honestly, if we were wired that way, Iwould in a heartbeat. If Carys thinks it would be sexy, I say we go for it.”
It had always been the only real awkwardness between them.They didn’t talk sex unless it was about Carys. They pretended there wasn’t aspark between them. It never had to go anywhere. It could be something theycontained. Or something they decided to explore. “I don’t care what anyonethinks either.”
A brow rose over Tristan’s eyes. “And yet when I call you mysub…”
Aidan pointed his partner’s way. “You’ve never called methat before, asshole. It was a shock. I’m sorry I fought back a little when youwalked back in after years and tried to take control. It’s a dick move.”
“But youaremy sub,” Tristan insisted. “And youknow it deep down. We fell into our positions naturally when we were kids, andthey hold up to this day whether we publicly acknowledge them or not. Which isprecisely why it was such a dick move to leave you both on your own. I haven’tsaid this plainly enough, A. I’m sorry. I thought I was protecting you but whatI was doing was marginalizing you. I was treating you and Carys likepossessions I wanted to protect, not like partners I trust and love and need.”
It was a lot of emotional growth from where he’d been thenight before. “What did your dad do to you?”
Tristan’s lips curled up in genuine amusement. “Trapped mein plastic wrap. It was a whole thing. Not earth friendly when you think aboutit though. But, more importantly, my family made it clear I hurt them more bypulling away than I would have bringing them into my problems. It’s the samefor the two most important people in my life. I am sorry.”
The words were a balm to his wounds. “All right. I meantwhat I said though. If you fuck up again, I have to pick her.”
Tristan stood and reached out a hand. “I know. And I won’t.I promise. We get through this and I’m out. I’ll hand it all over to someoneelse and I’ll come home.”
It was everything Aidan wanted. He reached for Tris’s handand pulled him in for a hug. “We have to work on her. She’s got a wall up.”
Tris wrapped his arms around him. “The good news is I knowhow to take a wall down.”
Aidan hoped he did.
Chapter Nine
Carys stepped out of the locker room, expecting Aidan to bestanding there. He seemed to always know when she was ready. Or perhaps hesimply changed quickly and waited for her so she never walked around thedungeon alone.
They’d spent no time in this club as a threesome. Aidan hadbeen her only Master here. The Hideout had started in the house Tristan’sparents had bought for him after college. It had housed Cooper and Aidan aswell. They’d taken the large garage to make a play space for them.
Of course her first club had been Julian Lodge’s fabulous,luxurious place. The three of them had gone through training there. It wasbeautiful, but she’d always preferred The Hideout.
Because it was theirs. Because she’d helped install thelockers in the locker rooms and had helped design the lounge. The foundingmembers hadn’t simply put precious cash up. They had sweat equity in thisplace. It wasn’t perfect, but it reflected where they were in their lives.
“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” a deep voiceasked.
Of course it was also weird because her brother was here. Alot. Lucas was deeply invested in the lifestyle. Carys used it for stressrelief and as a way to connect with her men, but sometimes she thought D/s wasthe only thing Lucas took seriously besides his career. Sex for Lucas wascasual, but dominance was a serious thing.
She was glad she’d chosen a fairly modest corset andminiskirt. Modest for the club. Her brother wore a set of black leathers thatproved there was one other thing Lucas Taggart was invested in. Working out.“Do I know what I’m doing when it comes to taking down a possibly evil doctor?Or do I know what I’m doing playing with Tristan and Aidan tonight?”
She kind of thought the answer was the same to bothquestions. A big old resounding no.
“The twins will take care of you.” Lucas looked like ayounger version of their father. While she’d gotten their mom’s red hair,Lucas’s was a sandy blond and was always the tiniest bit overgrown. “UncleIan’s going to be there. I’m not worried about it. They swear your part isminor, and Kala will be with you all the time.”
“Yeah, she’s promised we’ll have so much fun.” She still hadsome aches and pains from her cousin’s version of fun.
Lucas frowned, getting to his point. “But I want to know whyyou’re giving Tristan a second chance. He’s broken your heart over and overagain. You should know I’m going to talk to David and Kyle about this.”
Their older brothers. David and Kyle were from their mom’sfirst marriage, but the half-brother status meant nothing. They were a family,and she knew how they would react. David would say she’s an adult and theyshould support her choices. Kyle would get pissed off and go all “protect thewomen,” and then his kickass wife would kick his ass and get him on the “Carysis an adult” bandwagon. So realistically she was only dealing with the youngestof her brothers. “I don’t know I am. Giving him a second chance. I told Tristanplainly this doesn’t mean anything.”
“You’re going to fuck him. I would say it means something.”
She felt her brows rise. “I’m surprised you would say sexhas meaning at all. Did it have meaning when you took home those two friends ofDevi’s who were visiting? How about the night after those two when you wenthome with the new server? Does Dad know how many decent servers he’s lostbecause you can’t keep your dick in your pants?”
Her brother flushed. “It’s diff…”