She pointed his way. “You better think before you finishthat sentence. You want to tell me it’s different because I’m a woman? Is itdifferent for all the women you go through? Or are they different from me? Doyou have, maybe, a name you like to call them to differentiate from the womenlike me?”
A whistle came from her left and there was Tristan, leaningagainst the wall looking fucking delicious in his leathers. He was six footthree inches of gloriously decadent male, and there was something primal abouthim. Tris tended to dress well in his daily life, to look like he could bewalking a runway in Milan, every inch the modern, stylish man. But in leathers,he was stripped down to the predator he hid under expensive shirts and tailoredtrousers.
Her brain and her heart were definitely quieter than herpussy in this moment. Aidan was right. Her lust had taken over, and she wasn’tthinking about anything but how good it would feel to be with them tonight.
“You do not want to poke that particular beast, Lucas,”Tristan said, winking her way. “I would definitely not finish the sentence.”
Her brother frowned, obviously not as impressed with Tris’ssmoldering sensuality as she was. “I’m trying to take care of my sister. Shehasn’t exactly dated a lot. She doesn’t have the same experience. And you knowI’m always open and honest about what I’m looking for. I never lead anyone on.Any woman I spend time with knows I’m not looking for anything long term. Youlied to my sister.”
Tristan straightened up, getting serious. “I did. I thoughtI was doing the right thing at the time, but I have to face the fact that Ihurt her. I’ll do whatever it takes to get her back. Even if it means leavingmy job.”
News to her. News she wasn’t sure she believed. After all,the source had proven himself unreliable. “You’re never leaving the Agency.”
“I’m leaving the military,” Tris said, going sincere. “I’llonly be working for Uncle Ian’s team, so my schedule will look a lot like thetwins’ does. I’ll spend a good deal of time here in Dallas. If it’s not enough,then I will quit everything and I’ll work for my father.”
Lucas studied him for a moment. “You’re going to take careof her? Because she hasn’t been the same since you left. Aidan loves her, buthe can’t top her the way you do. She needs a strong top or she buries herselfin work. Aidan needs one, too. They’ve always needed you to balance them, andyou fucking left them alone.”
“Lucas,” she began, surprised her brother had seen thosetruths about her. She’d thought she kept those hidden.
Tristan held up a hand. “No, he’s right, and it’s nothing Ihaven’t already been faced with today. I got a lecture from my fathers earliertoday. They said the same thing. I went into the military to prove something.To myself. To my dads. Probably to Carys and Aidan, too. They’ve always been sofocused, and I was left out. I needed to prove I could do something that wasn’thanded to me. Everyone expected me to take my place at Papa’s company andsomeday take over. I needed a career that was mine. I did it, and now it’s timeto come home and appreciate everything I have. Had.”
Lucas seemed to consider his words. “I can understand. Ihave to prove myself every time someone new comes in. They all think I gotwhere I am because I’m the boss’s son. I’m going to open my own place.”
Again, news to her. She wondered if their dad knew Lucas hadplans. But she had to admit, Tristan was handling her brother with grace.Lucas’s shoulders had come down, and there was an unmistakable air of reliefaround him. Like he was damn happy the Dom was back in the house, and he didn’thave to watch her fumble more.
She wasn’t fucking fumbling. Was she?
“Let me know if you’re looking for investors,” Tris said. “Ithink you’ll find a lot of us would be thrilled to back you. But do it becauseyou want to prove to yourself you can. You’re the only opinion who mattershere. You’ve got nothing to prove to your father or anyone else. We know howgood you are, but sometimes we have to test ourselves.”
Lucas held out a hand and suddenly didn’t look like hewanted to pound on Tris. “Thanks so much, man. I appreciate it.”
Tristan shook her brother’s hand and put his free hand onLucas’s shoulder. “And I will take care of my subs. I’m back, and I’m not goingto let anything come between us again. I promise you.”
Lucas shook his hand and nodded. “Okay. Thank you, Tris.” Hestepped back and suddenly looked younger, like Tristan’s vows had let someworry slide off him and he was a carefree young buck again. “You guys have funin the privacy rooms. I’m going to go meet up with Seth. Apparently we’ve got anew group of trainees coming in for a tour. It’s good to get a look at thenewbies.”
Her brother was gross.
“We’re on the main stage tonight,” Tristan announced.
It was an evening for wild revelations. “What?”
She had a million questions, but Tris had cleverly managedto make it so the answers she wanted about him promising all that crap to herbrother were secondary to where they would be playing this evening.
“Oh, really? Are you sure you want that, man?” Lucas put ahand to his perfectly toned gut and looked slightly green. “She’s never wantedto play publicly before. I don’t know how I feel about it.”
She was the one who would be having a talk with their bigbrothers. It was obvious Kyle and David needed to teach Lucas a thing or two.“Your feelings are not required, brother.”
Tristan shrugged. “You can feel like hiding in the lockerroom because your sister is probably getting naked tonight. I told you I wouldtake care of them, and there’s a streak of exhibitionist in her. She’scertainly played publicly. You weren’t a member back then, and I’ve heard sincethey moved The Hideout to this space, she and Aidan prefer privacy rooms. ButI’m back, and we’re ready to get our freak on. We’re ready to dive back intothis world, so we might need to make a schedule because I won’t be sparing yourtender eyes.”
“Like how freaky?” Lucas asked.
“You should hole up somewhere, Luke.”
That was the moment she realized somehow Aidan had come upbehind her. He wore an identical set of leathers as Tristan but looked entirelydifferent. They were hot for different reasons. Tris was the smooth player whohid his predator. Aidan was her sexy smarty pants who sometimes got lost in hiswork. He wasn’t now. He stared at her like he could eat her up.
Her brother winced. “Yeah, maybe I’ll stay in the loungethis evening. If I sit in the back, I won’t be able to see the dungeon floor.Sister, when you get back, we have to talk because if you’re going to get yourfreak on regularly, we need a schedule.”
“We’ll see about that,” Carys said with way more confidencethan she felt because her men were making her the slightest bit nervous.