The men stayed close to Lisa as she waited for the car at the entrance. It came in a minute, and the door was flung open by one of the men, who only looked at her for a fraction of a second before conveniently looking at the space behind her. Lisa remembered Nikolai's threat last night, about how he had almost killed them all just for looking at her. She felt bad for putting them in that position, but was sure that talking to them now wasn't the ideal thing to do. Lisa knew they were loyal to Nikolai, even though she didn't know the exact jobs they did for him or why he even needed them in the first place.
He never told her anything.
That's because he doesn't want you to know anything. Lisa looked out the window throughout the drive back to the mansion, counting the minutes it would take before she reached the house. It was evening already, but she had no idea if Nikolai would be back by now. She hoped he wasn't so she could go to bed without thinking of all the ways she could hurt him, yet she was disappointed that she would never be able to.
Lisa wished she would be able to act as uninterested as Nikolai did with her, but the harder she tried, the more she fell into his web without a clue on how to get out of it. She needed space from him if she was going to make any decision - something Nikolai wasn't going to give her anytime soon.
The crunch of the tires of the car on the gravel brought her mind back to the present, and Lisa got out of the car. One of the men made to help her - she recognized him as the same person who helped her with the door on their way back - but he stopped in his tracks, the realization of its implication coming to him.
Fuck Nikolai! Now, even his men won’t as much as come close to me.
She headed up the stairs into her bedroom, not noticing anything out of place as she walked into the darkness and closed the door behind her. The first thing she did was to strip out of the two-piece Nikolai had gotten her, tossing it to one corner and muttering a string of unintelligible words.
But suddenly, she heard someone chuckle from her bed, and her senses were heightened immediately. Even without flipping on the lights, she recognized that voice. But the question was, what was Nikolai doing on her bed? Shouldn't he be working or something? Getting him out of her system was going to be harder if he kept on doing this.
Nikolai turned on the light on the nightstand and beckoned to her with just one nod, but it was enough to get Lisa moving like he had some strong hold over her. Maybe he did, because what other reason did her feet have for not listening to her brain screaming to stay by the door?
Stopping by the foot of the bed, Lisa felt shivers run up her spine as Nikolai sat up and leaned on his palm, his eyes caressing her from her hair swept up in an elegant ponytail to her low-cut black bra and her matching panties. She had even put on a little makeup, and Nikolai's eyes glowed in pleasure.
He liked it.
Lisa shouldn't have allowed that to get into her head, but she couldn't stop the warmth that enveloped her at the sight. It was the first time she was seeing Nikolai in something other than dark suits or sweaters. He was in a simple, plain black t-shirt and a pair of gray joggers. Lisa could guess that he made the detour to her room on his way back from the gym. Nikolai looked like a model even in something other than a suit, Lisa had to admit.
His straight dark hair fell across his face as he adjusted his hand underneath his chin, and Lisa took a step forward to push the hair behind his ears. But halfway, with her hands in the air, she changed her mind suddenly, and let her hands drop back to her side. Lisa told herself she wasn't doing this - that Nikolai didn't want the same thing she thought she wanted.
But how could she turn around when he kept on doing things like this?
Since Lisa could remember, no one had cared about her enough to get her new dresses or feed her without making her pay for them somehow. And he protected her from things she didn't even think were there, like at the exhibition today. Or was he trying to keep her from running away?
It hadn't even crossed her mind before, but now that it was there…
"I don't charge for people staring at me," Nikolai broke the silence. "But I think I want some payment for this."
Lisa rolled her eyes - a habit already - and the low growl from Nikolai made her realize what she had just done.
"What did you just do, krastoka?"
"Stop calling me that! I'm not your anything!" She used so much force that her hair tumbled down her shoulders. Lisa seemed to be armed by another energy, one that was birthed from her displeasure at something Nikolai did. But he found it hot as fuck. Her eyes were red with anger, and her hair tousled all over the place as if getting ready for some battle.
Lisa might feel safe in his arms - she could admit that to herself but never to him - but the only way he saw her was as a sexual conquest, one of the many girls he had in his books. Lisa never wanted to be that to anyone. How long would it be before he discarded her like some used toy when he got something or someone more exciting? He didn't know how warmth rushed up her body when he called her his, but she hated feeling that way. Lisa belonged to no one. She never had.
A muscle clenched in Nikolai's jaw, and he swung his legs off the bed and sat on the edge. His eyes grew a shade darker, and he spoke with a calm that he did not feel inside him. "Did you have a bad day?"
"You don't get to ask me that either," Lisa said, with her anger in control now.
"I can do whatever I fucking want to do, Lisa," he retorted, with a calm that brought chills down Lisa's spine, but the sensational type of chill. If Nikolai as much as laid a finger on her, she was going to melt at his feet.
Why couldn't she control her body around him?
"Now, answer me. Did you have a bad day?"
Lisa felt a charge of sexual tension in the air and saw that despite the situation, she still clenched her legs together, trying to stop the wetness that was pooling in between her thighs. Nikolai's eyes followed her movements, but nothing changed in his expression. Instead, his eyes got darker.
A long silence resounded as Lisa refused to answer his question, looking straight into his eyes with a confidence she never knew she had. Suddenly, Nikolai got off the bed and stood in front of her. His breath washed over her face, and Lisa closed her eyes reflexively.
"I don't have to report anything to you," she whispered as Nikolai ripped off her bra so abruptly that the tiny pins fell noiselessly on the ground. He tossed it to a corner of the room just as her boobs sprung out beautifully in his palms. Lisa's breasts tingled beneath his touch, and she bit her bottom lip, determined not to give him the satisfaction he craved.
"Talk to me, Lisa," Nikolai's breath fanned her face, and Lisa reflexively took a fraction of a step closer to him. "What happened during the exhibition that has gotten you all wild and disobedient? Or do I need to punish you to get it out?"