Lisa's body tingled with the idea of getting punished by him, and she couldn't help it. Her nipples hardened painfully as Nikolai got their attention by tugging on the buds, still looking into her eyes, waiting for a response. He was going to do this all day if she didn't give him something.
And Nikolai would know if he was being lied to.
"Nothing happened," Lisa replied defiantly.
Done with taking it slow, Nikolai walked around and hauled her to the bed, letting her fall to the middle like she weighed nothing. Lisa sat up a second later, her heart thumping as he slid her pants down her leg, allowing it to join her bra on the floor. Lisa couldn't hold on to a rational thought as he discarded his clothes as well, his eyes still flashing a fierce anger. He climbed the bed, approaching her like the monster she thought he was.
The monster she feared she was falling for.
Nikolai hovered above her, careful not to place his entire weight on top of her. He raised Lisa's hands above her head and kept them there with one handcuffing her wrists together.
"This is the last time I'll be asking you what happened. You better fucking answer me. Did one of my men try something stupid?"
"Did I say this was about them?"
Nikolai glared at her. "You are not saying anything!"
"Because I don't want to."
Lisa felt his dick on her core as he settled himself there. She arched her back, ready for the thrust, but Nikolai did something else. He slid his dick through her damp clit, but didn't go in. His free hand tugged at Lisa's nipples, pulling them until they ached, and she let out a small cry. He would release them, and they would spring back into his face, causing him to repeat the cycle.
Lisa knew what Nikolai was doing. He wanted to show her he was in charge here, and she would have fought it if she didn't feel the waves crashing inside of her. She tried to concentrate on his hands on her breasts, to numb the arousal it brought, but that was impossible, with his dick messing with her mind.
And Nikolai knew it, which explained the cruel smirk on his face.
Lisa yelped out in pleasure as Nikolai's lips replaced his hands on her breasts, and he took each nipple bud between his teeth, rolling and tugging. A feral sound escaped from her lips, and Nikolai had a triumphant look on his face.
“Do you like it?”
Lisa couldn’t say a word, not with how her legs were shaky and her voice lost somewhere in her head.
"Are you ready to say something?"
Leaving her breasts, Nikolai's hand caressed down her hips, leaving a trail of fire in its wake.
"Don't scream," he muttered as he thrust three fingers into her at once, and Lisa's back left the bed at once. Increasing intensity of pleasure mounted, so much that all she was able to pay attention to were his fingers and dick doing sinful and ravaging things to her body.
Lisa felt the whole world crashing on her suddenly as a harder wave hit. Her limbs shook and her eyes grew hazy, but all of that was gone almost immediately, as Nikolai stopped moving, staring at her with his dark eyes.
"Now, tell me what happened."
"Fuck!" Lisa moaned, needing to feel the way she felt a few seconds ago. She rubbed her hips against his, but Nikolai only strengthened his hold on her wrists.
"You know what I want to hear, krastoka. Why do you have to be so stubborn about it?"
"It's silly," she sighed. "I was having a relatively good day, and then it turned… it turned bad when I remembered the girl you brought home the other day. The Staircase Girl."
Nikolai's chest moved from a chuckle. "You even have a name for her."
"That is not the point, Nikolai."
"For what it's worth," Nikolai began, then thrust his cock into her, eliciting a sigh from Lisa. He settled into her and started pounding hard, lifting her right leg, so it was resting on his shoulders while he moved to sit. Lisa held on to the headboard as Nikolai left her wrists, holding on to her waist instead to keep her from slipping off the bed.
"I didn’t fuck her as hard as I fuck you, or as much. You shouldn't bother your pretty head with that." Nikolai continued sliding in and out, hitting spots Lisa never knew existed.