Blake fakes a smile and slaps his hand.
“You know,” Herman continues as he sips his beer, “I’ve always had a thing for your sister.”
“My sister?” Blake frowns.
Oh no ... I forgot to tell Blake that Herman thinks we are siblings.
Ahhhhhh . . . abort mission.
“How the hell do you know my sister?” Blake asks.
“We met at school,” I stammer. “Remember, Blake?” I widen my eyes. “I taught his son.”
“Oh ...” Blake nods as he catches on. “That’s right.” He runs his hands through his hair as if flustered.
“What was it like growing up with her?” Herman asks.
“Surprising.” Blake’s unimpressed eyes flick to me.
“I do love surprises.” Herman smiles broadly. “How so?”
“Well, I guess it’s expected if you live with a champion pole vaulter.”
“You’re a pole vaulter?” Herman gasps.
“Best in the land.” Blake smirks as his equilibrium returns. “She nearly made the Olympic team, but then ... she didn’t.” He shrugs.
I tip my head back and drain my margarita glass as I try to think on my feet.
“Ruby, did you know that Blake’s first job was in a piercing parlor?” I ask.
“It was?” Ruby gasps as she looks between me and Blake.
“Yes, he did his training in Vegas,” I reply.
“Vegas?” She frowns.
“Yes, they practice on all the drunk men.”
“What did you pierce?” Ruby asks.
“Penises,” I blurt out. “Shriveled-up, drunk penises.”
A swift kick connects with my shin, and I drop my head to hide my smile.
“That’s where I got the idea of being a doctor,” Blake says.
“Because putting holes in things that shouldn’t have holes in them is so similar to being a doctor.” I nod seriously. “Your thought process is truly fascinating.”
Blake glares at me across the table, and I smirk.
“Let’s go to the bar and get a round of drinks, Rebecca.” Blake pushes his chair out.
“Now?” I frown.