Page 82 of My Rules

How do you get those looks and brains?

“Oh. How great.” I fake another smile and tip my head back and drain my glass.

“How did you two meet?” Ruby asks.

“Well, Rebecca was my son’s teacher last year,” Mr. No Name replies. “And she’s the most perfect teacher of all time. The children all adore her.” He smiles proudly over at me.

I smile in surprise. Oh ... that was nice.

“What do you do?” Blake replies flatly. “I didn’t catch your name, sorry.”

“Herman. My name is Herman.”

Amusement flashes in Blake’s eyes.

Don’t do the Pee-wee Herman joke, or I will end you.

I squish Blake’s foot into the ground, and he kicks me back. I jump as his kick connects harder than he meant, and he drops his head to hide his smile.

“So, Ruby,” I say. “Wow, a neurosurgeon, so impressive. I’ve never met a neurosurgeon before.”

“Oh, thanks,” she replies. “What grade do you teach?”


She’s not so bad, actually pretty nice.

“What do you do?” Blake asks again as their drinks arrive. “Thank you,” he replies to the waitress.

“I’m a firefighter,” Herman says. “I was special ops but retired from the army three years ago.”

Oh . . .

Ruby and I smile like giddy schoolgirls over at Herman while Blake raises an unimpressed eyebrow.

Oh, the night just got interesting.

Chapter 10

“What?” Herman says. “You don’t believe me?”

“I never said that.” Blake sits back in his chair. “Why wouldn’t I believe you?”

“You just ...” He shrugs. “I don’t know what that look is on your face.”

“What look?” Blake smirks over at Herman, as if issuing a silent dare.

What is he doing?

I tread on Blake’s foot so hard, I swear his toes must break in ten places.

They stare at each other in a silent standoff.

“These drinks are good.” I hold mine up to Ruby. She gives a weak smile and gulps hers down.


“Looking out for your own. I respect that. You’re all right. Give me five, brother,” Herman says as he holds his hand up for a high five.