Page 225 of My Rules

“Why the hell would you think I’ve been seeing other people?”

“Oh, let me count the ways,” I say sarcastically. “You’ve changed the passcode on your phone, you’re working late all the time, and now you’re fucking lying to me.”

“I have never lied to you. Not once,” he yells, infuriated.

“Oh no,” I scoff. “What a fucking joke. You’ve definitely lied to me.”


“When you told me that you were on the phone with Antony while I was actually watching Antony out the window the whole time. You were on the phone with somebody else.”

He falters, and I know that he knows that I’ve got him.

“I can explain that.”

“Please do.”

He puts his blinker on and pulls into a driveway.

“What are you doing?” I snap.

“We’re here,” he growls.

We start driving up a hill on a sweeping driveway. “I don’t want to be here anymore. Can we just go home, please?”

“No.” His jaw ticks as he grips the steering wheel with white-knuckle force. “So let me get this straight—you think I’ve been cheating on you for ... how long?”

“A couple of weeks.”

“And you never thought to bring this up with me fucking once?” he explodes.

“Why would I? You’ll only deny it.”

“Do you know me at all?” he spits. “What the fuck are we even doing here?”

“My point exactly. Can we turn around and go home?” I scream.

We come to a clearing, and there’s an old wood cabin. He pulls the car up in an overdramatic fashion before turning to me. “So let me get this straight—in your mind, I have been cheating on you?”

“You haven’t denied it.”

“No, no. Let’s go back to your mind here. Let’s discuss what you think I’m doing.”

“You’ve changed your passcode on your phone, you’re lying to me, and you’re working late all the time. I think we should call time on our relationship.”

His eyes hold mine. “So you want to end our relationship. Is that what you’re saying?”

“It’s for the best.”

His eyebrows flick up. “Wow.”

He’s such a fucking smart-ass.

“What does wow mean?”

“Nothing.” He gets out of the car and slams the door.

I roll my eyes. This is exactly why I didn’t say anything earlier. I knew this was going to turn into a huge, big fight, and now I’m stuck out here in the middle of nowhere with him.