He opens the door of the log cabin while I get out of the car. “Come on, Daisy.” I lead her into the house, and as I look around, my heart drops.
The cabin is filled with roses and a huge sign.
Oh no.
My eyes flick to Blake. “What are you doing?”
“Asking myself the same question,” he growls.
“You want to know why my fucking phone’s code has been changed? It’s because I was planning a weekend away to propose to the person who I thought was the love of my life. I’ve been talking to a diamond trader from Mexico to buy her dream fucking ring.” He throws a ring box at me from out of his pocket. “Now I find out that she wants to break up with me and that she doesn’t know me at all.”
“I ... I mean ... what ...” I’m tongue tied and have no idea what to say as my eyes flick around at the grand gesture.
“So you would happily walk away from me without asking me a question?” His eyes search mine.
“Blake ... why would you want to get married?” I whisper.
He screws up his face as if I’m crazy. “Because I love you,” he bellows.
“We don’t need to get married to be happy.”
“I want to get married, Rebecca. I love you, and up until ten seconds ago, I thought that you loved me.”
“I’m not getting married again, Blake. I’m sorry, I just can’t do that,” I stammer. “It’s ... it’s just a piece of paper. It means nothing.”
He puts his weight onto his back foot, as if I’ve just dealt him a physical blow.
“We’ve never even talked about getting married. Why would ... why would you think that I want to get married?” I’m talking fast and spluttering, trying to get my words out.
“I want a family, Rebecca.”
“We can have a baby. We don’t have to be married to have a baby.”
“We have bigger fucking issues than a baby right now,” he screams. “You just ended it with me because you thought I was lying. You are the one who told me I was ready to settle down. You assured me that I could be that person, and like the Rebecca disciple I am, I believed you. I have done everything in my power to be the man that you deserve. And now I find out that everything you have said to me is a complete lie. You actually thought I was sleeping with other women? You’re supposed to be my best friend, and now I find out that you have no idea who I fucking even am?” He seemingly remembers something. “If anything, you’ve been lying to me all along!”
“I have never lied to you.”
“You knew that we were together after Carol’s, and you didn’t say a single fucking word. I was freaking out that I had been with someone else, and you didn’t once think to let me in on your secret?”
“With my history, I just ...”
“You know what?” He throws up his hands. “You don’t deserve me.”
My face falls as my greatest fear leaves his lips.
“If marriage is just a piece of paper to you, then you really should go back to your husband, because that’s exactly what it was to him. And I deserve fucking better than this secondhand love that you’re dishing out.”
His words cut me like a knife. “I just ...”
“You just fucking blew it with me; that’s what you just did.”
“Blake, don’t be angry. I want you to think about this from my side. We’re happy; we’re content. We don’t need to be married.”