That’s if it wasn’t already.
You’ve reached Blake Grayson.
Leave a message.
I close my eyes. Answering machine again. I’ve lost count of how many messages I’ve left tonight.
“Blake, it’s me. Can you call me back, please? We are all worried sick. I love you.” Dejected, I hang up the phone.
Chloe keeps pacing, and Juliet walks into the kitchen and puts the kettle on.
The house is silent and sad, and I get the feeling that everybody hates me. Damn it, I hate myself for what I did to him.
My behavior has been inexcusable, but in my defense, I had no idea his head was even in this space.
“He’ll be fine,” Juliet says. “He’s just cooling off somewhere. As soon as he calms down, he’ll come home.”
I twist my fingers together on my lap and nod.
I wish I was so sure.
I have this sick, sinking feeling in my stomach telling me that this isn’t going to be all right.
Juliet’s phone rings, and we all jump. “Hello,” she answers. She listens for a minute. “Oh, thank god.” She puts a hand over the phone. “He’s fine. The boys found him.”
“Where is he?” I stammer.
“Where is he?” she asks. She listens for a beat. “He’s at a hotel. He’s fine, don’t worry.”
“Thank god.” I put my head into my hands as relief overcomes me.
“Okay, great.” Juliet listens. “Yeah, good idea; you stay there with him. Okay, love you. See you in the morning.” She hangs up the phone. “Henley and Antony are going to stay with him tonight. They’ll be home in the morning.”
I smile sadly. Not the outcome I wanted ... but thank heavens he isn’t alone.
Juliet sits down on the couch beside me. “I told you he’d be fine.”
I nod.
“It’s been a big day, and you’ve been crying for hours. Why don’t you just go and have a shower and head to bed?”
“Yeah, I might. You guys go home. Hannah needs to go to bed.”
“You don’t want us to stay?”
“No. Honestly, as soon as my head hits the pillow, I’m going to be asleep. I’m emotionally exhausted.”
Juliet rubs my shoulders as she gives me a sad smile.
“Thanks for today, guys. You are the best friends.” I walk them both to the front door. “Can you call me, Jules, if you hear anything from Henley?”
“Of course I will.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay with you?” Chloe asks.
“No, I’m fine. Thanks anyway.”
I watch them walk down the street, and I close the door behind them and lock it.