He was irritated, but he shouldn’t be. Gavin was part of her past and she planned to keep him there. And honestly, she and Trey weren’t necessarily official, so he had no claims to her anyway.
Or were they official? The way they left things at dinner last night may say otherwise.
God, she’d give herself a headache if she thought about it too hard.
Sara caught up with them, shoving her phone into her pocket after ending a call. She glanced at Trey. “What’s wrong with you?”
“Hailey was pretty buddy-buddy with Gavin earlier,” Trey grumbled.
“Oh, here we go.” Sara rolled her eyes.
Hailey giggled at Trey’s remark. “You’re jealous. That’s cute.”
Trey scowled. “No, I’m not. I just don’t like him. He treated you like shit.”
“That was more than a decade ago. I think he’s fine now. We actually might go see a movie later.”
Trey whipped his head to look at Hailey, who was grinning ear to ear, trying to contain her laughter. For once, she was baiting him, and he was walking right into it.
“Come on, Trey. You know I’m only kidding.”
“Whatever,” he said, sulking.
“How manly of you.” Sara said dryly.
Trey shook his head at Sara. “Who were you on the phone with anyway?”
She shrugged. “Someone.”
Hailey was curious. Sara was up to something. “Someone who?”
“If I wanted you to know, I’d tell you.” Sara eyed Hailey. “I’ll spill my secret if you spill yours, though.”
Hailey narrowed her eyes at Sara. Hailey didn’t understand why she was so set on Hailey spilling her secrets. She felt like a teenager all over again, wanting to pull her sister's hair and start a fight.
Why did Sara have to be so vindictive? Hailey was going out of her way to help clear her name and all Sara could manage to do was start fights, keep secrets, and have a bad attitude.
Trey eyed her, but she quickly changed the subject. “I went and talked to Eli today.”
Trey stopped walking and turned to her. “About what?”
“My mother’s case. I told him that we had evidence that proved Sara didn’t do it and wanted to hear what he remembered.”
“And?” Trey asked, eager to hear what she had to say.
“He was pretty mad that I asked. He accused me of saying he botched the investigation- which I didn’t. Then he told me to leave.”
“I gotta admit, that makes me curious,” Trey said.
Hailey continued, “That’s what I thought, too. It was definitely weird, like he was hiding something…”
“Is that it?” Trey asked.
They started walking again. “Yeah, basically. He said everything is in the report.”
He nodded. “Something’s off and I don’t like it. Now I want to triple check every file, every piece of evidence, every interview. ”
Sara chimed in, “I’ve always thought he was working for Dad. I don’t know what Dad has on him, but it must be juicy for him to help frame me for murder. I kept telling him I was innocent and all he did was apologize and say he wished he didn’t have to arrest me. Plus, he never looked at other possible suspects. Ever.”