Page 57 of Kept in the Dark

“I’m sorry about that. Your Ma was a nice lady.”


“So, what happened with Sara? I was pretty shocked to find out she killed your mother. I'm even more shocked to see you two together.”

Hailey shook her head. “This is going to sound crazy, but she didn’t do it. We’re trying to get Trey to reopen the investigation.”

He lifted his brow. “Sounds like there's more to that story.”

Hailey nodded. “There is, but it’s too much to get into.”

“And what about you and Trey?” he asked.


Gavin chuckled. “No, you don’t get to do that. Spill it, Hailey. You clearly have a lot going on in that head of yours.”

Hailey smiled. “It’s really complicated. Like, really complicated.”

“Now I’m even more curious.”

“We actually have a daughter that he didn’t know about until yesterday,” she said, looking down at the table. “We’re trying to figure out what co-parenting looks like and what that means for us.”

Gavin raised his brows, and the waitress came and brought Hailey’s appetizer to the table. Not wanting to talk about her past anymore, she leaned back in her seat and asked, “What about you? Is there a Mrs. O’Dell?”

He smiled, showing off a dimple on his right cheek. “Other than my mother, no. I try to keep myself away from the ladies. They’re trouble, you know.” He winked. “I was actually engaged a few years back, but she wanted me to leave the Marines, and I just couldn’t do it. It didn’t seem fair to ask her to settle and give up her own dreams. It was amicable but still sad. Last I heard, she was happily married with a baby on the way.”

“I’m sorry. I’m sure that was hard for both of you.” Hailey gently touched his hand.

Gavin shrugged. “Yeah, but it was for the best. Now I’ve just decided to stop looking and let love find me…or not.”

“I’m sure you won’t have any trouble with that.”

The two smiled at each other. Then Hailey noticed the restaurant door open and saw Trey looking for her. She waved him down and he immediately noticed Gavin. He instinctively bowed up, much like he had when they were teenagers. Hailey laughed to herself.

Sara, too, came back to the table and Gavin stood to give her back her seat.

“Trey, you remember Gavin,” Hailey said as Trey walked up to the table.

“I do,” he growled.

“I heard you were the new Police Chief, Harbor. That’s shocking, to say the least.”

Hailey eyed the two men, amused, as they exchanged a silent pissing match.

“I’m glad we got to catch up,” Hailey said to Gavin, trying to ease the tension.

“Me too. See ya ‘round,” he said. Gavin smiled, then walked off, sneaking one last glance at Sara before walking back to his table.

Hailey was glad she bumped into Gavin. He had always been a good friend, even if he was a lousy boyfriend. As much as Hailey hated to admit it, this little town did hold fond memories for her.

Trey on the other hand, didn’t look pleased

June 28, 2011

2:46 pm

As they walked back toward the police station that was only a few streets away, Hailey could nearly feel heat coming off of Trey. Though, if she didn’t know any better, she would have assumed it was the summer sun.