Hailey’s gentle voice pulled Sara out of her trance. “What happened that night?”
Sara didn't want to talk about it. She didn’t want to relive the pain that came with the memories. Though, maybe she should. Maybe she should submerge herself in the revenge that flamed within her, sharpen the hate that intensified with each passing day.
She hadn’t always wanted revenge. But what could she say? People changed.
Initially, Sara had been surprised her father was trying to bury her, though she shouldn’t have been. He was a tyrant, a liar, and a manipulator. If he thought Sara was guilty, he was going to make the verdict stick.
Ever since she and Hailey were kids, David Gallagher made it his life’s mission to make Sara miserable. And now she would return the favor.
Hailey’s voice was nearly a whisper, “I know I can’t undo what happened to you, but if you let me, I’ll try to help clear your name.”
Sara wanted to scream. Hailey spent a lot of time standing up for Sara, taking on their father’s rage. But Hailey wasn’t there to defend her when the whole world called for her to be jailed.
Funny how she only wanted to help Sara on her own terms and in her own time.
Sara smiled and clapped. “Bravo, Hailey. Another halo to add to your collection. What a saint for finally apologizing even though you should have done it years ago. Not to mention you’re so ready to help me ‘clear my name’ when it’s convenient for you. What a joke.”
Hailey stiffened.
Sara continued, “And who are you fooling? The only reason you came here is because you feel guilty about having that video all these years. So big of you, Sis.”
Hailey’s mouth gaped open. “I’m trying to clean up your mess, per usual!”
Sara stepped closer to Hailey and crossed her arms. She silently threatened her sister, just as she had when they were growing up. But Hailey didn’t step back or cower. She stepped closer, surprising Sara. It was clear she wasn’t going to be intimidated.
If it weren’t such a heated argument, Sara might have been proud of Hailey.
But right now, she hated her.
There was a time when Sara would have lost her temper and lashed out. Not now. She had spent a decade learning how to manipulate and play the enemy in a way they would never see coming.
Just like her father.
The irony of it wasn’t lost on Sara. She just didn’t care.
Instead of yelling, Sara calmly said, “News flash: I never asked you to. See, that’s your problem, Hailey. You think you’re everyone’s saving grace but you’re really just everyone’s pain-in-the ass. So do me a favor and walk out on me like you did thirteen years ago.”
“Screw you, Sara!”
Sara walked to the door and opened it wide for Hailey. “Oh look, you already have.”
Hailey stomped out the door, leaving Sara to dwell on all of her sister’s betrayals.
June 26, 2011
9:23 am
Hailey had nearly cried at the sight of her sister the night before and was taken aback when Sara first opened the door. She hadn’t been prepared to see that Sara was no longer a teenager, but a woman.
She had taken in Sara’s petite frame and wild dark hair. Natural brown locks now took the place of what was once dyed icy blonde. Her once bright, hazel eyes were etched with anger and suspicion. She had a scar on her neck that hadn’t been there before her arrest; Hailey heard rumors about a prison fight.
Hailey hardly knew the woman who had stood in front of her. Though, maybe she had never really known the real Sara. Her sister had been toxic, only revealing what she wanted you to see.
Growing up with Sara had been painful for Hailey. She had loved Sara with every fiber of her being, while, simultaneously, hating her with those same cells and molecules.
Strange how those two conflicting emotions could coexist.
And Hailey had been content hating Sara because Sara had made Hailey’s life difficult. Her twin always came flying in like a gust of wind from a hurricane, demolishing anything she touched. For Hailey, hating Sara was easier than trying to make sense of the destruction and chaos. It was safer that way. Keeping Sara at arm’s length ensured Hailey wouldn’t be collateral damage. She just didn’t know Sara would become a casualty of her own chaos.