Sara narrowed her eyes at Hailey.
Hailey’s eyes rounded. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. I just-” she sighed, pausing to gather herself. “I was a kid and didn’t know what to do, so I left. I didn’t really know what to think in the beginning, but when you pled guilty, why would I have believed differently?”
“Because you’re my sister. No, you were more than that. You were my other half. You knew me better than anyone. You left and never looked back while I was left to rot in a cage for someone else’s crime.”
Hailey looked away, knowing Sara was right.
Sara shouldn’t be surprised that the first time they’ve seen each other in thirteen years would result in a fight. Growing up they had been both best friends and mortal enemies, a special bond only understood by sisterhood. And the last few years leading up to their mother’s death had been plagued by heated arguments, silent treatments, and purposeful distance. They had hardly talked before all hell broke loose that summer.
Sara had been chaotic and impulsive while Hailey was controlled and wound too tight. The two were at odds as Sara’s destruction seeped out around her and into Hailey’s life. Hailey desperately tried to wade through it, only to nearly be drowned by it.
It made Hailey’s appearance all the more peculiar. Sara still wasn’t sure what Hailey’s end game was. What was her sister trying to do?
Calming down, Sara asked, “Why did you bring me the video?”
“Did you notice the time stamp? It’s the same date and time as Mom’s death. This is your alibi.”
“What do you mean ‘my alibi?’ I’m literally free after serving thirteen years in prison, no thanks to you.”
Hailey ignored the slight and pointed toward the TV. “This could clear your name. You didn’t do it, and the video proves it.”
Sara threw her arm up. “It’s a little late for that. I don’t need your pity or your help. I know you’re used to cleaning up my messes, but I don’t need you anymore.”
Sara was fuming. She began pacing, a habit she picked up while behind bars.
What the hell was going on?
She had come back to town to seek revenge, though that plan proved to be much harder than she anticipated. And now Hailey had the audacity to show up unannounced after ghosting her for the last thirteen years? To add insult to injury, Hailey believed she was guilty this whole time but all of a sudden wanted to prove her innocence?
It infuriated Sara.
Hailey wasn’t around when Sara’s entire life was being turned upside down; when she was being railroaded, manipulated, and made to be the patsy. But now she was all in? Screw that.
Screw her.
Sara didn’t care about the guilt her sister clearly felt about abandoning her. Hailey deserved for the guilt to eat away at her, to create a darkness that would slowly devour her from the inside out. It was just like Hailey to come swooping in, claiming to save the day when all she did was make Sara’s life more miserable.
Just like when they were kids.
Any time Sara was in trouble, Hailey tried to bail her out. Only it didn’t help Sara. No, Hailey got a little gold star of approval from their father while Sara was gifted bruises and scars.
There was no way in hell Sara would let Hailey ruin what lousy life she now had.
She had served her time and wasn’t about to open up that can of worms. Whoever killed her mother had gotten away with it so why bother?
It’s not like Morgan was around to appreciate the hard work of her golden child and the impossible redemption of her wayward daughter. She nearly laughed at the thought of herself making her mother proud. What a foreign concept that was. Why should she start now?
Everyone already thought she was guilty, there was no use trying to prove them wrong. She could easily move away and start over where no one knew about her past.
But that would have to wait. Sweet revenge was beckoning, and she had a busy schedule ahead of her. One that included dining with the Devil and his demons. A dinner in which she may just poison the very people responsible for her nightmare of a life.
And the guest list was long, her father being at the very top. He wouldn’t even know it was her doing until she was long gone. Hell, she may even add Hailey to that list if Hailey continued to piss her off any more than she already had.
And after Sara was done leaving a trail of destruction, she would get a new identity and disappear. She definitely had criminal connections now.
She rubbed her face. All she ever wanted to do was proclaim her innocence, but she had been silenced and manipulated into taking a plea deal. So, at eighteen years old, she signed her life away and entered a guilty plea knowing full well she was innocent.
And no one came to her rescue. Not Hailey, not Chase, not Genevieve. Certainly not her father. He had been the one leading the mob who demanded she be shackled and chained.