She watched the families for a minute or so, though it felt like an eternity. They were making memories, and she envied their happiness. She had never gotten that as a child. Her family was broken long before she was ever born.
Maybe it was time to break that cycle. How could her own little family be whole if she never let herself heal? Despite not wanting it to be true, she knew a part of her would feel relief by confiding in Trey.
Taking in a deep breath, she picked at her nail polish. “I had just found out I was pregnant with Trinity that morning.” She smiled and looked at Trey. “I had been so excited to tell you. I mean, I was scared but I just knew it would all work out. We had our date planned for that night, but then you started saying we shouldn’t be together and that I was better off without you.” Hailey furrowed her brow. “I was so angry because I thought we would have this happy ending that happens in movies…”
Hailey paused for a moment, steadying herself. “When I left, I drove aimlessly for a while, just stewing over everything and crying. I was a wreck, and the hormones probably weren’t helping. I was scared of what my parents would say, too. I knew my father was going to lose it.”
She rubbed her arms, despite the heat of the afternoon. “I was on Bolender Road when my car gave out. It was dark by then and I didn’t know what else to do…”
The first parts of her story were relatively easy to recount but now she needed to mentally prepare herself. She began fidgeting with her hair to keep her anxiety at bay. She stared at the grass, getting lost in memory as she told him what happened that night…
Thirteen Years Ago
June 3, 1998
9:45 pm
Hailey sobbed harder as she turned the key in the ignition only for it to sputter yet again. She glanced at the moon that hung in the darkness, accompanied by the flashes of heat lightning that lit up the sky. Normally she’d admire its beauty, but tonight it gave her the creeps. She was only a few miles from home and now she was stranded.
Mascara streaked her cheeks, and her lips were red and puffy. She wiped at her face as she climbed out of her car, locking it as she did. She’d figure out what to do about the worthless piece of metal tomorrow after she had time to calm down.
She began walking home when headlights illuminated the road in front of her. The vehicle pulled over and parked behind her car. She was curious who the good samaritan might be, but the beams of light made it difficult to see. She was standing a few feet from her car when Ryan got out, a wicked grin splayed on his face.
Panic raced through her body.
Hailey bolted back to her car and struggled to get her key into the lock. She fumbled them and they bounced onto the pavement and under her car. Ryan made his way toward her, and her body screeched at her to run.
Ryan grabbed her arm, and a scream escaped her lips, but it was useless. No one would hear her.
He pulled her close to him and the smell of whiskey and cigarettes filled her nostrils. Her stomach soured but she willed herself not to throw up.
“I told you I’d find you when Trey wasn’t around to protect you,” he slurred.
Hailey wondered how he was able to drive. She tried to free herself, but she wasn’t strong enough to break his grip. “Let me go! I swear if my father finds out-”
Her cheek stung and she tasted blood on her lip.
“Your father is a coward!”
Hailey wasn’t sure how to get out of this situation.
She tried to soothe him. “Okay, I’m sorry. Whatever he’s done to make you upset, I’m sure he can fix it.”
Ryan laughed. “Oh, Princess, you have no idea what he’s done. But I’m going to make him pay. And I’m going to use you to do it.”
Her eyes rounded as her heartbeat quickened. Hailey instinctively touched her stomach, afraid of what might happen.
She hadn’t been expecting his first blow. His fist connected with her cheek and her head struck the car. She shrieked in pain and brought her hand to her face.
He swayed slightly and she shoved him away from her. He stumbled back and laughed as he hit the ground with a thud. Her body recognized the danger before her mind registered it and she darted into the orange groves on the other side of the road, trying to find cover within the trees. Ryan ran after her.
“Hailey,” he cooed. “Come out, Hailey.”
She covered her mouth, trying to muffle her sob.
He popped out from behind a tree. “I found you.”