Hailey screamed and jumped back, stumbling on a root. She fell into the dirt and leaves, the distinct acrid smell of oranges overwhelming her. She tried to pull herself up, but the trees were spinning, and she collapsed.
Ryan grabbed her foot and pulled her toward him. She kicked at his stomach, and he hunched over. She tried to turn away, but pain exploded in her back as he landed a blow. He was on top of her as she smacked and clawed at his face. He laughed at her terror, enjoyed her rage.
She was waiting for Trey to rescue her, just as he’d done at the festival; just like he promised. But she knew he wouldn’t come. He didn’t love her anymore.
Ryans fists continued to rain down on her face and shoulders. Hailey shrieked, her voice cracking, as she punched at him wildly.
Ryan laughed again as he aggressively gripped her wrists and straddled her, pinning her hands above her head.
She closed her eyes, bracing for what would come next.
Then, he wrapped his hands around her throat and squeezed. He snarled, “I can’t wait to watch the life drain from your eyes, knowing I’ll be the last face you ever see.”
Her lungs constricted as she tried to gasp for air. Her nails dug into his hands, but he didn’t release his grip. He smiled as she slowly faded into the darkness.
At first, she was scared of it, but the more palpable it became, the more she welcomed it. It seemed so peaceful compared to the pain that tormented her body. She could taste the blood as she tried to spit it out. Every breath was labored, and she couldn’t help but cough, spattering blood all down her blouse.
She thought of how horrific it would be for someone to find her body like this; covered in blood, beaten so badly she couldn’t be identified. Her baby would still be safe within her womb, except, like Hailey, there would be no heartbeat.
A guttural instinct surged through her. If she didn’t do something, she was going to die and so would her baby.
She let go of him and felt her surroundings, darkness threatening to overtake her. Her hands grasped a rock, and she slammed it into his head. He yelped and fell off of her as his blood leaked all over Hailey and dripped down his face.
Rage engulfed Ryan.
She rolled onto her stomach and crawled away, still not moving fast enough. He stood and pain exploded through her head as he grabbed a fistful of her hair. He slammed her body into the dirt.
She wasn’t going to get away.
She would die here.
The darkness was luring her in, promising an end to the pain. So, she curled up into the fetal position, protecting her unborn child, as he punched and kicked her body. Hailey’s screams of terror were trapped within the trees that hid the horror that was happening to her as her pleading sobs echoed through the night.
But no one heard them.
She finally gave into the darkness as the moon smiled down at her and the stars watched her bleed, unaware of the violence that was happening below their beauty.
Hailey limped toward her house, holding her stomach protectively. When she came to, Ryan had been long gone. So, she walked the few miles back to the Gallagher Estate, her body on autopilot as she did.
Flashing red and blue lights in the distance grabbed her attention.
Had they arrested Ryan? Had her father called the police to come find her?
Dazed, she pushed past the ache of her body and the stabbing pain in her lungs and guided herself to the safety that was now only a few yards away. But with each step, the crime scene tape and police officers blurred together as her body fought off exhaustion and shock.
The hairs on the nape of her neck stood at attention and she innately knew something awful had happened. She wanted to sprint toward her home, to see the atrocity that had surely been left behind by whatever evil had been there before her. But after what she’d been through, she didn’t have the energy or the strength. Yet, despite her body’s protests, she was instinctively drawn to the scene of the crime, every step becoming harder than the last.
She was nearing the estate when she stopped abruptly, realizing she was a mess. She wondered if she should change. Her mother would have a heart attack if Hailey came home like this.
Her clothes were torn, and she was missing a shoe. Where was her shoe? She brushed away the grass that clung to her jeans, the green streaks irking her. She pulled a stray leaf from her hair.
Assessing herself, she grasped at the locket she always wore and nearly cried out when it wasn’t there. She quickly remembered she’d given it to Trey weeks ago.
However, it was the blood that startled her. She was still covered in the crimson stains that mixed with dirt, though at that point it caked her skin. She aggressively scraped at her arms and hands, trying to erase the terror her body had just endured. When it wouldn’t come off, she nearly screamed.
Her heart raced and she looked to see if anyone had noticed her yet. There would be so many questions. And she wouldn’t give them answers. She didn’t want to relive the horror she so narrowly escaped.
What if Ryan came back to finish the job?