Page 59 of Kept in the Dark

Hailey had never considered the fact that David could have manipulated or blackmailed Washington. They all assumed he swayed the D.A. or the judge, but not the investigation itself.

“I don’t think we should jump to conclusions just yet. That’s a steep accusation against a former police chief and a mayor. And I’m not going to do anything with it unless I have solid proof.”

“Whatever,” Sara said curtly. “Just don't be mad when I say I told you so.”

Trey shook his head. “I’ve got some other news. I talked to the D.A. and he’s willing to at least watch the tape. He said he couldn’t make any promises to reopen the case officially, but he gave me the okay to poke around a bit.”

Sara’s head shot up. “Are you serious? Could this case really get reopened?”

“I’m not promising anything, but at least D.A. Whitaker is willing to look at it if we bring him sufficient evidence.”

“That’s amazing news!” Hailey hugged Sara, unable to contain her excitement. Sara tensed, and Hailey immediately pulled away. It felt odd hugging her sister after all this time, especially given the tension between them. But it somehow still felt natural to want to celebrate with her.

“Yeah, but that’s not all.” Trey shifted. “Nicole House has been missing for a few days now. It looks like there was a struggle.”

Hailey’s mouth gaped open, and Sara scrunched her brows.

“Are the cases connected?” Hailey asked.

Trey shook his head. “I honestly don't know. Right now, it doesn’t look like it, but I do think it’s interesting your father is right in the middle. First, your mother is killed and then Nicole goes missing and your father was involved with both of them?”

“He probably did it, that bastard,” Sara said.

Hailey wasn't sure if Sara was blowing off steam or if she meant it.

“When I first pressed him about Nicole, he stonewalled me. But then he admitted to the affair and that Ryan is his son. He denied having seen her recently, though. I mentioned your mother too, so the cat’s out of the bag to some degree.”

Hailey said, “This whole thing is weird, Trey. You can’t tell me those cop instincts of yours aren’t buzzing.”

“They definitely are, I just haven't connected all the dots yet. But all we need is one person to blow these cases wide open. You’re just not going to like who we’re going to talk to.”

Hailey stopped abruptly. “No. We’re not talking to Ryan.”

“You don’t have to. I will.” Trey sighed. “We all know he’s probably the only person who would be willing to tell us anything.”

Sara said, “How do you know he won’t lie?”

A truck honked as another car lulled too long at a stop sign. The driver stuck her hand out the window and gave the truck driver the middle finger and sped off.

Trey waited for an older couple to walk around them before continuing the conversation. “I don’t. But with as much as he terrorized you both growing up, I’d be willing to bet he hates David. And if that’s true, he might be willing to tell us what he knows.”

Hailey inwardly shivered. If Trey talked to Ryan about that night, there was no doubt he would goad Trey with what he’d done to her. Then, she’d have no choice but to face Trey about her own worst nightmare.

Sara said, “Talk to him. We all know my father isn’t going to help us and apparently Eli won’t either.”

“Please don’t,” Hailey said, hanging her head.

Sara shifted slightly but Hailey couldn’t read her thoughts. She had honed her skills of secrecy and Hailey often couldn’t figure out what Sara was thinking or feeling.

Trey looked at Hailey. “I’m sorry, but I don’t need your permission to talk to him. I have an entire case that involves him directly.”

Hailey took a step back and tilted her head at Trey, scowling at him. “Excuse me?”

“I can’t do my job unless I have all the facts, Hailey.”

Hailey felt heat rising through her body. She didn’t want Trey to know. She didn’t want him to look at her differently, to see her as a victim. Even though that’s what she was. And that fact pissed her off more than she cared to admit.

Sara quietly said, “I know this is hard for you to talk about, but you need to tell him what happened.”