Gentle footsteps came from down the hall and Zane turned, half expecting it to be Vienna. Instead, it was Mairy.
Her arms were curled into her chest, her head lowered. “What are we going to do? We can't keep living like this. Who's stopping those goons from coming into our house and hurting our family next?”
She had a point there. The moment they got tired of sweeping the streets, they were going to start breaking into people's homes. He wouldn’t put it past Diesel to come up with something even worse after that…
This sort of thing used to be just another Tuesday back in Dask, after all—but to send the whole city of Theskin, of all places, into a complete panic like this, was absolute lunacy. Even for Diesel.
What is he hoping he’ll gain by doing this? What set him off?
“Don't worry. I'm going to get to the bottom of this.” Zane stood up from my chair and put his outing robe over his underclothes. “Enough is enough.”
Mairy made it to Zane just before he reached the door, and wrapped her arms around his. “Where do you think you're going? You can't go out there!”
“You seem to forget that I'm also a shifter. I'm not some helpless human. Don't worry, I'll make it back safely,” Zane reassured her, freed himself from her grasp, and left the house—ignoring her cries for him to return.
I'm not going to sit idly by and be useless anymore. If I want to see change, I will have to enforce it.
Zane made his way to Jax's place, knowing that he’d be there at this time. He hoped Chika would be there to overhear their conversation, so she could realize what kind of man her husband was…if she hadn't already.
Who am I kidding? It’s more likely she’s the mastermind behind most of the things Jax has ever done!
She had always been prepared to do whatever it took to be with and have Jax for herself.
Zane’s fist rapped heavily against the wooden door.
The urgency could not be understated.
Anger and anxiety boiled up in Zane's chest. It had been so long since he’d confronted Jax.
I hope this turns into an all-out brawl. I sure would like to sink my fists into that perfect face of his?—
The door opened suddenly, but Zane was met with empty air instead of the face he’d just imagined smashing in.
“Who are you?”
Zane’s eyes dropped to where the little haughty voice had come from. The floor.
His demeanor shifted entirely upon seeing Jax’s daughter, Diamond. “What are you doing answering the door?”
“Diamond! What did I tell you about—?” Jax’s voice could be heard across the house. The charging of his footsteps reverberated through the floorboards, and Zane felt his rage instantly revitalized.
The door opened wider as Jax revealed himself.
Jax’s eyes went wide, and all the blood drained from his face. He quickly issued his daughter into another room, and turned to face his former friend again.
“Zane… I have to say, I never expected to see your face again. Not like this, anyway.”
“Don't flatter yourself. I'm not often in the habit of making house calls, but in light of recent events, I have a sneaking suspicion you and your uncle have something to do with the mess going on in the city.”
Zane felt his indignation growing, his fists now more than ready to do what they’d been itching for earlier.
“You know it has nothing to do with me.” Jax closed the door behind him and stepped out onto his front porch.
Zane let out a humorless laugh, and said, “The only reason he's in this city harassing anyone, is because you helped him come here. So, grow some actual balls and make him see reason already. This has gone on long enough. Do you really intend to leave things until there’s no one left to bask in your magnificence anymore, Jax?” Sarcasm seeped like acid out of Zane’s mouth.
Zane turned to leave, expecting Jax to come back at him with some spiteful jab, but almost fell over when he didn’t.
“It was nice to see you again, Zane,” Jax said, his smile a little sad. “Maybe, next time, you can stop by for a nicer chat?”