I looked up at him in disbelief, only to find that he wasn't looking at me. I followed his line of sight to see that he was staring at Ravana.
Ravana shifted her weight to one side and crossed her arms. “What are you asking me for? Isn't she your teacher?”
Attitude oozed from every one of her pores, but that didn't deter Kiyan in the slightest. His cheeky smile only grew.
I would’ve been amused if only my head wasn’t spinning so much.
Not only had I a mission to see through while keeping Ravana safe, but I had to keep Diesel away from us as well. And now it seemed like Kiyan, Diesel’s son, was lovestruck with his father’s former lackey.
I groaned.
Why can’t things keep getting less complicated for once?
“What do you mean you haven't discovered what the issue is yet?” Diesel put his fist through the stone wall. When he retracted it, blood was running down from his knuckles.
His skin was ripped open, but Diesel paid no mind to it. His eyes shifted from human to wolf as he stared Striker down.
Her face scrunched up stubbornly as she refused to look him in the eye. “You never used to talk to me like this. Ever since you married Omara, you've changed… You’re crueler.”
Diesel picked up a heavy glass statue from his desk and threw it across the room, barely grazing the side of Striker’s cheek.
Striker didn't budge an inch, though.
“I've always been cruel. Perhaps you’re the one who’s changed.” His words were nearly inaudible due to his deep growl.
Striker breathed deeply, seeming to gather up her courage, and made her way over to Diesel. She placed her hands on his chest and looked up at him. “That's not true. You were never cruel to me like that. I was once your most trusted asset. You cared for me, and I cared for you the same way.”
Diesel grabbed both of Striker's hands in just one of his and shoved her to the floor. “You are mistaken, Striker. My courtesy toward you only went as far as you were useful to me. Right now, you’re a worm beneath my feet.”
He marched past her and exited his office without as much as a backward glance.
It's time I take matters into my own hands.
Zane sat by the window, watching how eerily still the streets were.
There wasn't a soul in sight, and there was a good reason for it.
The amount of crime taking over the streets recently was unlike anything Zane had ever seen before.
“Papa, Demitri and I want to go play outside! It’s been days,” Vienna whined, tugging on the material of Zane’s pants to show how distressed she was.
“I know, my dear, but it's still not safe. How about this? Your mother and I can play a game with you both inside the house. Whatever game you want to play.” Zane patted her head, but it didn't seem to calm her.
“We've been playing games inside the house the whole time now. Why can't we go outside anymore?” Her big eyes filled with tears as her little chin shuddered.
Zane wished he could make all the bad things go away, even if only so his children could have a normal life again, but those things were out of his reach. His entire job was to prosecute crime, but he could do nothing about what was currently happening in the city.
Vienna walked off in a huff, and Zane turned his attention back to the window.
The city streets aren’t safe for anyone anymore, and I’m sure I know who’s causing it all…