The taxi driver turned to me, looking nervous at my teary face. “Where to, love?”

My mind went blank. Cassie was pissed at me. Going to Luke’s would only add fuel to the fire. None of Zack’s friends or family would want to take my side. I remembered what Luke had said in his office before he left, about me not having anyone to turn to.

Randomly, I thought of a swanky hotel in town that we’d been to a Christmas party at. I had our joint credit card in my purse. Zack wanted breathing space? Fine. I’d get mine boutique hotel style.

I threw myself down onto the oversized hotel bed and buried my face in the pillow. Margaret had rung while I was checking in. Zack was back at work. I explained it was a personal issue and I wouldn’t be back until next week. She wasn’t happy, but I had so much more going on in my head. Didn’t even know if I’d be staying in this town.

I grabbed an overpriced and undersized bottle of wine from the minibar and glugged at it. Lessons in how to completely screw up by Lily Forshaw. My phone was utterly silent, like a traitor.

I didn’t want me and Zack to break up. The thought of not exploring the possibilities with Luke seemed impossible though. Maybe I just needed to cut myself off from both of them, spend time alone. But then, four years alone did me no good before. I didn’t want to be that lonely person again.

The phone pinged and I launched myself at it, wine sloshing over the plum bed covers.

The flowers are beautiful. It’s not your fault Zack turned up. I’m upset you forgot it was such an important day for me

I’m so sorry. How was it? Want to talk? x

Not right now. It wasn’t great. I need to digest. You and Zack ok?

She had enough on her plate without me adding more.

We’ll be fine. Ring me when you’re ready to talk, anytime. Love you Mrs xx

No reply. I sighed and rolled onto my back, hanging my head off the edge, wondering if the rush of blood might get rid of my headache. I couldn’t believe Zack hadn’t even messaged me. The phone rang, and I bolted upright. Luke!

“Hey, are you OK? I got your message, the case went on for ages. What’s Zack done?” Luke’s words escaped his mouth quickly.

“I told him we kissed and that I was confused about my feelings. This was after work yesterday. He stormed out and didn’t come home, then turned up at Cassie’s this morning, screaming and shouting, wanting to know where you lived. It was Cassie’s fertility appointment today so then she was all pissed at me, understandably.”

“Where are you?”

“I checked into a hotel in Manchester, didn’t know where to go,” I sighed.

“Where? I’ll come to you.” His voice was so strong and sure.

“It’ll just make Zack angrier,” I sobbed.

“I don’t care, he’s always bloody angry or jealous. How will he know anyway? Does he know where you are?” Luke asked.

“No, no he doesn’t. He didn’t seem remotely bothered where I went,” I admitted.

“Right, then send me the address and I’ll be with you in an hour or so. No arguments. I’m not leaving you upset and alone.”

Jumping out of the shower twenty minutes later I realised my hasty packing was a little random. It was either a thick, woollen jumper, a yoga set, a hot pink Ted Baker dress or the lovely, black lounge wear set I had bought a couple of weeks back, so soft to sleep in. What the hell was going to happen now? My limbs felt heavy as I slipped in the loungewear.

Reception had assured me they wouldn’t give my room number out to anyone. I’d sent it to Luke in a message, so when I heard the knock on the door, I jumped up, confident it was him.

What a sight. God, he looked so good in a suit, and especially when holding two pizza boxes and a bottle of wine. My stomach rumbled, reminding me I hadn’t eaten since yesterday lunch time.

“How do you always know what I need?” I smiled, as he came in and put the boxes down on the desk. Then he wrapped me up in his best hug. I was back in my safe place.

“Because I know you, and you won’t have had anything but coffee and perhaps wine?” he asked, with a little kiss on top of my head.

“Very true,” I smiled. “I’m starving, thank you.”

He told me the basics about his day in court while we munched the tastiest pizza. I was famished. Then we sat on the bed together with a glass of wine, his arm around me, my head leaning on his chest.

“Out with it then, what happened?” he asked.