“You don’t want to know every horrible word. The neighbours got a pretty good show. Zack said I’d used him like a warm-up act while I waited for you. He said I wasn’t allowed to see you again, as if I was his bloody property. Then after storming off like an idiot overnight and upsetting Cassie in the process, he came back and announced we needed a ‘break’,” I sighed. “So here I am.”
“Has he not rung you to check where you are or anything?” Luke asked.
“Nope. Seemed more concerned about this trip to Iceland with work. They’re pissed at me too, just to add to the list. Told them I wouldn’t be back until next week. I can’t even think.”
“A break is probably what you need. From work, from him. Figure out what’s happening in that mind. I’ve never been able to.”
“You know it better than anyone, don’t say that.” I took hold of Luke’s hand.
“Did you tell him about the… thing we did? Because I can kind of understand him chasing me down if so,” Luke laughed.
“God no. I still can’t believe that. You’re such a bad influence,” I grinned, as he let go of my hand and poked me in the side.
“As if it was me who started any of that.”
“I’ve tried to call him, but it goes to voicemail,” I said.
“Lily, it’s weird me giving you relationship advice here, but if he said he wants space, give him space. Let him come to you, don’t chase him.”
“What do you want, Luke?” I asked.
“Apart from the obvious,” he kissed the top of my head again. “I want to get out of this suit, it’s too hot.”
“Are you… going to stay? Here, with me?” I asked, not sure what I wanted the answer to be.
“That depends. Would I be staying to help you feel safe, as a friend? Would I be staying because you want to start a relationship with me? Would I be staying because you’re ‘on a break’, to coin a famous phrase, and wanting to make the most of it?” he sighed. “I don’t know what you want from me.”
“I want you to be more than my friend, but I don’t know if I’m ready for it. I want you to stay, but I think to be together hours after Zack asked me to leave might be wrong. Would you stay with me if sex was off the cards?” I turned around to face him.
“Of course I would. I agree, it’s too soon. So, I’m staying then?”
I nodded and smiled. “Yes please. If you still want to get out of that suit, I can show you where the fluffy hotel bath robes are.”
My first thought on awakening the next morning, we that this bed was heaven. I wriggled further down under the covers as my mind woke up. Luke and I had talked for most of the evening and then, in such a caring way, he had cuddled me up in bed with a brief goodnight kiss and let me fall asleep.
I rolled over and stretched my arms out, taken aback by how different Luke looked. He was often guarded, or would go into mischievous mode with me; there wasn’t always a middle ground. Now, though, he looked so… vulnerable. His blue eyes closed; that blond hair flopped over his forehead. His freckles had all but disappeared now, I noticed as my eyes grazed down to his lips. His lips were beautiful, and I mean, who wouldn’t want a good morning kiss?
I pressed myself against him and stroked the side of his face as I whispered, “Do you mind if I wake you up?”
He shook his head briefly as one eye squinted open. “What are you doing, Lily?”
“This…” My lips pressed over his as I ran my hand up into his hair. Our bodies were boiling hot under the heavy hotel duvet, and he felt so good against me. He moved into a deeper kiss, sighing as his tongue flicked against my own. I couldn’t help but notice the effect this kiss was having on him, but this time it was pressed against my stomach rather than my back. I pulled him on top of me. Desperate to know more of what he felt like.
My fingers gripped at the firm skin of his back as he pushed down into me, kissing me harder, taking the breath from me. He felt as hard as he had that night at Cassie’s and involuntarily, my hips rose up against him, setting explosions off inside me.
He shivered and began kissing my neck. “You can’t wake me up like this and expect me to know what you want. You’re driving me crazy. You said no sex.”
Luke was wearing nothing but tight, sexy shorts. I ran my fingers down his sides. “Could we… do some stuff but not all the stuff?” I asked.
“You can’t say the words, can you?” he smiled and nuzzled his mouth against my cheek. “I’ll do some stuff, and if you want me to stop, say. But not all the stuff.”
I laughed and kissed him again. These kisses were addictive. He slid his hand up inside my top, tickling his fingers over my sensitive skin. “This good?” he asked.
“Definitely.” I let out a happy sigh as I slid a leg around his hip, pulling him closer to me. He swiftly pulled my top off and then his mouth followed the same pattern as his fingers, driving me insane.
“I’ve wanted to get you like this for so long,” he moaned as he continued, my fingers wrapped into his hair. “We have to stop before all the stuff anyway because I don’t have condoms. I was only going to court when I left the house yesterday, they aren’t often needed.” His mouth moved back up to mine, kissing me as he spoke, his eyes sparkling with the pure attraction between us. “We don’t need to talk about tiny penises again, do we?”
I moved back to his mouth, addicted to his kiss. “No, we don’t. I’m pretty assured in that department.”