The ring of my phone woke me. Sleep must have taken me in the end as the room was now bright. I cautiously opened my eyes, the clock read ten thirty. My heart missed a beat as I saw Cassie was the caller.

“You need to get here now and tell me what’s going on.” Cassie sounded angry.

“What do you mean? What’s up?” I asked, my head groggy.

“When I got back from nursery, Zack was here, screaming the place down. Wanting me to tell him where Luke lived,” she began.

“He should be at work. Shit, I should be at work!” I jumped up in a panic.

“Lily, I don’t give a crap about work right now. Are you and Luke sleeping together? Is that why Zack turned up here in that state?”

“No! We’re not, promise. Is Zack still there?”

“No, he’s looking for Luke. Luke’s in court today though. I obviously didn’t tell Zack that. Can you get here and sort this out?”

“I don’t have the car, he stormed off in it last night,” I explained.

“Have you forgotten where I’m going today? Why the kids are in nursery?” Cassie’s voice shook.

“Shit, Cassie, I’m so sorry. This is the last thing you need. God, I’m the worst friend.” My heart sank at the thought I had let her down.

“Yeah, to be honest, Lily, sometimes you are. Sort it out, I need to go.”

Fuck! Where to even begin with this. I tapped at my phone in a panic.

Hi Margaret. So sorry Zack and I aren’t at work today. Family emergency, I will call you asap. Really sorry x

Cassie, I love you, I’m so sorry. I didn’t think, story of my life. Good luck at the Docs, I’ll call you later sweetheart x

Zack, Cassie called me. You shouldn’t have gone there, she has enough on her plate. Can you please come home so we can talk instead of running around screaming at people?!

Hey you… Had a chat with Zack, he’s on a bit of a rampage. He was looking for you, but Cassie said you’re in court? I know you won’t be allowed your phone on, can you call me when you get this please? x

I sank back in the pillows. What a mess. I almost dropped the phone as it pinged, but it was only Margaret, less than impressed. Least of my worries right now. After throwing some clothes on, I made an extra strong coffee, trying to ring Zack every few minutes but not getting through. I found an online florist and ordered a huge bouquet of flowers for Cassie, with express delivery, to try to apologise.

Coffee all gone, I dropped my head down onto the breakfast bar, feeling exhausted and clueless about what to do. My stomach somersaulted as the front door opened. Zack’s face was tired and drawn as he walked towards me. Neither of us spoke.

“Are you going to say sorry?” I asked.

“For?” Zack was obviously not in a better mood.

“Storming out, staying out all night, screaming at my best friend?” I held my hands up in disbelief.

“The only bit I’m sorry about is that I didn’t find Luke. Are you going to say sorry for acting as though I mean nothing to you?” He stepped closer to me.

“That’s not fair. I was being honest.” I rubbed my fingers over my temples, trying to soften the thumping pain in my head.

“You’re not sorry at all, are you? For kissing him, for wanting him. I was a warm-up act. Remember how nervous you were when we met? How slow we took everything? Now you’re full of confidence, aren’t you? Especially in the bedroom… Did I just get you ready for him?”

I shook my head. “How can you say that? I love you.”

“Really funny way to show it, Lily. I’m due on that corporate weekend. I need to get into work and get stuff sorted. Maybe we should have some time apart, figure out what’s going on here.” He looked past me, out of the window.

“You want to break up?” I squeaked. My voice retreated inside me.

He shook his head. “A break, a breath, I don’t know what to call it. We both need to think about what we want. Maybe you aren’t the girl I thought you were when I brought up stag do’s and babies.”

“I would never give up on you like this,” I shouted as I pushed past him, running upstairs and frantically throwing clothes into a bag, not caring how much mess I left as clothes and make-up cluttered the bed and floor. Stabbing at my phone with my finger, I ordered a taxi and slammed the front door behind me with as much strength as I could. Zack hadn’t left his spot, hadn’t tried to stop me.