Stepping closer, she saw all kinds of flowers and pots needing attention too. She should’ve known Lysander would go all out.
“You are upset I bought this much,” he stated.
“I’m just hoping I can keep them all alive. It’ll be such a waste otherwise.”
“We don’t see it like that. Spending time with you is priceless.”
“I know, I was just scolding myself for not expecting all of this—I should have learned from the clothes.”
She finished her glass and set it aside, going over the rose pamphlet with Lysander while Marcus brought the hose around. The evening sun warmed her skin as they prepped a spot in the garden for the roses. All three of them helped, but they didn’t crowd her. Getting her hands dirty was surprisingly satisfying, and she didn’t stop after the roses were planted. She moved on to the other flowers too, designating pots and homes on the porch for all of them.
Aside from the occasional piece of advice or a drink, the three of them left her to her task. Once the sun had set and she could see Lysander fall victim to fatigue, she followed them inside.
“You should go to sleep,” she told him, catching him suppressing a yawn.
“I was just waiting for you to finish. Would you like me to pick up a few more flowers tomorrow?”
“If you wouldn’t mind.”
“Not at all.” He came over and took her hands in his, running his thumbs over her knuckles. “I think I speak for all of us when I say we enjoyed this.”
“Very much,” Marcus agreed from the couch.
“Would you like to take me up on my offer before I head to bed?”
She paused, unsure of what he was asking.
“That is Lysander’s way of politely asking you to drug him so he can sleep nice and cosy tonight,” Varos whispered as he took their dirty glasses to the sink.
Before she could worry her lip as she usually did, Lysander had her jaw in his fingers and tipped her gaze to find his. “I don’t want to use you like that.”
“It’s not using if both sides benefit from it.”
He didn’t wait for an answer, sweeping her up into his arms. She grabbed onto his shoulders for support and wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her to the couch and sat down next to Marcus. She always seemed to end up in one of their laps instead of her own seat—not that she was about to complain.
Lysander turned his head, lips finding hers in a soft, sweet kiss. She wound down his jaw and his neck, licking over the sensitive skin. Once she felt his pulse thread beneath his skin, she closed her eyes and sank her fangs into his flesh. His head tipped back, muscles rolling under her tongue while his life’s essence dripped down her throat like honey.
“You’re doing so well,” he purred, gently stroking her sides. “So gentle, so patient.”
She shuddered.
“You like that, little dove, don’t you?” Marcus hummed beside her. “Us praising you. Telling you how well you are doing.”
“Because you are, Avalon.” Varos pulled her name into a long, gorgeous melody. “You carry yourself with grace.”
Lysander wrapped her braid around his fist. “So brave and strong.”
Her eyes rolled back in her head. Her body quivered, soaking up each sweet praise they offered her. Desperate to feel his skin against hers, she shoved her hands beneath Lysander’s shirt.
Varos’s hand slipped under her own, a single finger dancing over her spine. “You could have us on our knees with one glance of your pretty brown eyes, but you treat us so well.”
“Oh, you could have the world at your feet, sweet dove.” Marcus’s words were a serious offer, though she’d never take advantage of that.
“We would do anything for you.”
“Lysander is right.” Marcus’s hand now teased up her thigh. “Nothing is out of your reach. Anything you want, it’s yours.”
Though she could’ve fed more, she sealed over her wounds, not wanting to drain Lysander completely. “Can I creep on you while you sleep?”