Page 64 of Tears of Revenge

“If that makes you happy.”

She shrugged. “It’s relaxing.”

“Very well. Go find yourself a book and meet me in my room.”

“The one thing we can’t give her,” Marcus pouted, though his eyes sparkled.

“I hate to disappoint you, Marcus, but Lysander has many more things to give her that we can’t.”

“You had to ruin the moment didn’t you, Varos?”

She stood, cheeks aching from the smile on her face. She grabbed her book, then felt Lysander’s looming presence behind her on the way to his room. There he closed the curtains, the covers already pulled back for her.

“Do you have a favourite side you sleep on?”

“Not particularly.”

She chose the one closest to the door, hoping not to wake him if she moved.

“Is this an exclusive party?” Marcus had appeared in the doorway.

Lysander settled under the blankets, eyes stern on his friend. “If you start cuddling me, I will unleash my lycan with no regrets.”

“Don’t flatter yourself.” Marcus sauntered over to the bed. “You’re not my type.”

“Behave, boys.”

“Yes, ma’am,” they both agreed in unison.

While Lysander curled up beside her, Marcus laid his head in her lap and closed his eyes. She reached for Lysander just as she had before, then paused. “I can’t stroke you both.”

“You can scratch Lysander’s ear until he falls asleep,” Marcus offered. “After that your attention is all mine.”

Lysander rolled his eyes and pushed his arms under his pillow to get comfortable. She threaded her fingers through his hair, tugging slightly at the root. She’d read somewhere that it was quite therapeutic. Marcus had turned in her lap, laying on his side and skimming his hand over her thigh. She opened her book and lost herself between the pages.

Sometime later, a tug on her wrist made her look up. Lysander was fast asleep and Varos had crept in, sitting in a chair to the side of the bed, deeply involved in a book of his own. Careful not to wake Lysander, she shifted her hand to give Marcus the same treatment. His lips curled up, humming a satisfied sigh as he basked in her touch.

She noticed that she was reading much faster than normal. Though it didn’t dampen the experience, she was flying through the pages. Her brain seemed to be working faster, but perhaps it was because she already knew the story. After a while, Varos shifted and caught her attention. He quietly left and returned a few moments later with a glass for her. Though she knew she needed it—had been suppressing the pain in her throat for a while—she scrunched her nose.

He took the book out of her hand and replaced it with the glass. While she sipped on it, he perched on the edge of the mattress and silently praised her with soft touches and gentle kisses.

The evening went on like this, Marcus soaking in her every touch, Lysander slumbering peacefully next to her, while Varos read his own book and took care of her. It was an odd feeling to be able to sit completely still for hours. Her legs didn’t fall asleep, nor did she feel the need to stand and stretch. Her arms didn’t even get tired.

Lysander woke late the next morning, stretching beneath the blankets as he sought her out. He pushed himself up and rubbed his eyes, hair standing up in all directions.

“Good morning, sleeping beauty.”

Marcus snorted and Varos grinned. “I believe you are the only one who has ever called him a princess and been allowed to live.”

“I thought her name was Aurora?”

Lysander shook his head and stood.

“Are you going to work today?” Ava asked him.

“No, but I will still go get more gardening supplies for you.”

“Can we make breakfast together?”