Chapter 13
Later that day, Jenny got a text from Roman about the ball. All night and through the next morning, she thought of more questions. She hadn’t been to anything ever resembling a ball. Was that just code for a fancy dance and dinner? Would people assume things because she was Roman’s date? Did she need to prepare for the press to ask her questions? What kind of dress did you wear to a ball? She didn’t want to overwhelm him with questions and seem high maintenance, but she needed to at least figure out what to wear.
Jenny:I haven’t been to a ball before. I know you said black tie, but help me out. What kind of dress? I’m at a loss.
Roman:Will you be home this afternoon?
Jenny:Yes. Are you “in the neighborhood” again?
Roman:Just be home around 2. Trust me.
Jenny:You haven’t let me down so far.
And he didn’t this time either. At exactly two o’clock, there was a knock at the door. Jenny opened it and a short young woman with spiky blond hair stood on the porch with a garment bag and another bag slung over her shoulder.
“Hiya,” the woman said with a grin.
“Can I help you?” Jenny asked.
The woman smiled and bounced a little on her toes. “I’m Eva. Roman sent me?”
“Oh, okay. Come in?”
Jenny stepped aside so Eva could come inside. “Moving, huh?”
“Next week,” Jenny said.
“Where’s the best place to set this up?”
Jenny didn’t know what the “this” was, but pointed Eva to the couch area where she and Roman sat a few days earlier. She’d moved the boxes to the garage, so there was more room there now at least. Eva gently put the garment bag down on the couch and set her bag on the floor.
“I’m not sure what Roman told you—”
“Nothing at all,” Jenny said.
“Well, that makes this even more fun,” Eva said, clapping her hands. It was hard not to get caught up in her excitement. “He’s such a sweetheart, isn’t he?” She didn’t let Jenny even answer before she unzipped the garment bag to show Jenny five different evening gowns. Five colors, five styles. Jenny gasped.
“You look like you’re going to pass out,” Eva said. “What’s wrong?”
Jenny put a hand to her collarbone. “It’s just…I feel like…Roman—I can’t.” She shook her head.
Eva turned her head to the side and patted Jenny’s arm. “Aw, you’re feeling overwhelmed by all this?”
Jenny nodded and was surprised that she felt the start of tears. Eva stopped patting her arm and grabbed her suddenly in a hug that left Jenny’s arms pinned so she couldn’t reciprocate. Though Jenny was short, Eva’s head barely came up to her shoulder.
“Well, stop it,” Eva said. Her harsh tone shocked Jenny.
Eva laughed. “Get over it. He has more than enough money to buy you a hundred dresses. Be glad he just sent five. This is happening, so stop fighting and let’s look at dresses.”
“Okay,” Jenny said. She knew she still sounded unsure.
“I like you already,” Eva said. “You aren’t after him for his money or his stuff. Think of it like this hug. I’m giving it, but you can’t return it.”
“You’re pinning my arms!” Jenny protested.
Eva laughed. “Exactly. I knew you wouldn’t be able to hug me back, even if you wanted to. And I don’t care. I’m hugging you anyway. That’s like Roman’s gifts. Do you want one of these beautiful dresses that he helped me pick out for you?”