“I can tape. See these hands? These are insured. They’re that good at taping.” He grinned at her, holding out his hands.
“I’m sure. Honestly, I was at a stopping point. But thanks. Oh—did you ever talk to your lawyer? Amanda never called me again, so it seemed to sort itself out. I didn’t want you wasting time or money on that.”
“Oh,” Roman said. He had an uncomfortable look. Maybe he didn’t like having to talk about Hank or that whole situation. It was awkward. “Well, that’s good.”
“Did you really drive all the way out here just to check on me?”
Roman looked sheepish. “Maybe. I’m sorry I didn’t do it before. I’m trying to figure out what I should be doing, you know? Like, timing-wise.”
Jenny knew that goofy grin was back on her face, but Roman matched it. Sometimes in their talks, they spoke around the future and around the idea of a relationship. It was killing Jenny that they weren’t being direct. She wanted to know how Roman felt about her. Before she could really believe it, she needed to hear him say it. But she also understood. The timing was weird. She had even asked him for time. It wasn’t fair that she demand that he be clear about his intentions.
“Yeah? What, exactly, are you trying to time?”
“I’m not sure what the etiquette is for this,” he said.
Just say it.“For what?”
Roman paused. “For asking you out.”
Jenny kept herself from gasping or from letting her jaw come unhinged, but just barely. She ducked her head shyly to hide her smile. “You want to ask me out?”
“Is that…okay?”
“More than okay.”
“But is it too soon?” His eyes searched her face. It was hard to think clearly while looking at him, so she turned her gaze to her hands in her lap.
“I don’t really know,” she said. “I mean, I don’t know what the right answer is in general and I don’t know what it is for me. I feel like my situation is different. But people don’t know the whole story, so I’m not sure how it looks from the outside. I’m more concerned about my kids and how they’d feel. I would be open to trying.”
Roman scooted over on the couch and took her hands. She looked up at him. He was still smiling, but there was a new intensity in his eyes. “Jenny, I know the timing and situation is hard. But I would love to take you on a date. I have a specific one in mind. If you’d like, I’m attending a charity ball this weekend. It’s a little much—a black-tie event, but there’s free food and drink. Dancing, if you like that kind of thing. And me. If you’ll come with me. Will you come with me?”
Jenny lifted a hand to her hair, tied up in a messy ponytail. She was trying to think of the last date she’d been on with Hank and couldn’t. She didn’t even remember the last time she’d worn a formal dress. Other than an occasional wedding, she lived in practical, casual clothes. The idea of a night out with Roman sounded amazing, even if they were doing something simple. The thought of a ball where she got to dress up and go with Roman made her feel giddy.
“I would love to,” she said. “But are you sure? I mean, I feel like of all the women you could go on a date with, I’m more…complicated.” She sat stiffly, looking at his arms, not his face.
Roman cupped her cheek. The touch sent her pulse racing and made her skin feel tingly and alive. She looked up at him then, struck again by his handsome face and the strong cut of his jaw. His thumb traced her cheekbone, making her shiver.
“You’re not the only complicated one. Are you sure you want to go out with me? I’m not what you’d call easy. I’ve got a bear of a schedule that starts up again soon. I have obsessed fans and cameras following me sometimes. The details of my life are often way more public than I’d like. So maybe you should think harder before saying yes to my complications.”
Roman smiled as he said complications. She smiled back at him, looking at his lips and then shooting her gaze back up to his eyes, hoping he didn’t notice. The slight smirk in his eyes told her that he did. He dropped his hand from her face and she wished he would put it back.
“Is that a yes to the ball?” he asked.
“Yes,” Jenny said, beaming.
“Good. Then I’ll press my luck for two yesses in one day. When are you moving? The guys and I would like to help.”
She squeezed his hand and gave him a look. “Roman, no. You don’t need to do that.”
“Stop. Just give me the date and time. Do you have a truck?”
“We rented a truck next Wednesday. I’ve got a few people helping already. But they aren’t pro football players. You’ll probably make quicker work of things.”
“Not too quick,” Roman said. “Because that would mean less time spent with you.”
Jenny didn’t have a response. She couldn’t quite find her footing with how open he was being. This was a change and a welcome one. But now it gave her a whole new host of worries. Before it had been whether or not he liked her. Now she tried to picture what it would actually be like to date Roman Bennett. Two months ago, he’d just been a famous football player whose poster hung on Matt’s wall.
“I should go,” he said. “But I’ll be back in a few days. With a few more hands and some more muscle. I can text you more info about the ball.”