“Good. I’ll probably have to buy a gown and find my shoes if they aren’t already packed. You might not recognize me in a dress.”
Jenny giggled, looking down at her yoga pants and oversized T-shirt.
Roman smiled. “I know if you look good in this, you’ll look amazing in an evening gown.”
Her cheeks were going to hurt from smiling so much. When she walked him to the door, there was a moment’s pause. Roman took her hand and she looked up at him. “Remember when we met on this porch? And I slammed the door in your face?”
“I’ll never forget it. The best meet cute ever.”
“Meet cute?” Jenny cocked her head at him.
“It’s like the part in romantic movies where the couple first meets.”
“I know what it is. Why do you know what it is?” Jenny asked.
He scratched the back of his neck, looking sheepish. “My mom and I watch a lot of movies.”
“Embarrassing? Yeah, I know.”
“I was going to say adorable.”
Roman grinned. “Good.” He stepped closer and wrapped her up in a hug. Jenny breathed in the scent of him, reveling in the feel of his muscles, so powerful yet so comforting as her cheek pressed against his chest. They stood that way for a few minutes. Jenny didn’t want to let go and waited until his hold on her loosened just a bit. She pulled away.
“Thank you,” she said.
“For what?” he asked.
“For being my neighbor.”
He smiled huge and kept looking at her as he walked backward down the sidewalk to his car. The last time she had felt this giddy and ridiculous about someone, it had been her freshman year of college, when she met Hank. Her smile faltered a bit, but Roman was almost to his truck now and probably couldn’t see.
“I’ll message you about this weekend,” he called. “Heck, I’ll probably call you in a few hours.”
“I hope so!” she called, waving.
As he pulled away, giddy excited feelings were dampened with a haze of worry. Was it really okay to move on? Hank had, even while they were still married. But weirdly, Jenny felt like she was the one being unfaithful, feeling excited about someone other than the man who fathered her children. She felt like a traitor. But she’d have to just get over that. Because if Roman was serious about taking her out and becoming a part of her life, she couldn’t help but be happy. Terrified, but happy.