A bell rings in my head alarming me, warning of danger.
I want to leave, return to the safe place where I have been sheltering.
I was wrong to come tonight when clearly I’m not ready.
A new haircut might be a step in the right direction, but I have to walk before I can run, I must take small steps to start with.
One swallow does not a summer make.
My wounds are deep and my body needs more time to heal.
My stupid heels cause me to stumble, and I end up sprawled on one of the sofas distributed throughout the place, almost falling on top of Oliver and his date, Loretta.
“Roselynn, are you okay?” he asks, raising his eyebrows at my befuddled state. God, where is my self-composure?
“I’m about to head home,” I reply, attempting to pull myself together.
“How are you getting back?’ He frowns.
I’d planned on driving myself home, but quickly realize it’d be irresponsible in my current state. Irresponsible for me and anyone else who crossed my path.
No. I discard that idea.
“I’m going to hail a cab,” I finally reply.
“No, you’re not. You’re coming with us,” Oliver orders, almost as if he’s my father. Or maybe my big brother. Nuh-un. I’ve had a lifetime of that already and I don’t need anyone else ordering me around.
No, thank you.
“I insist. We were just leaving anyway.” Oliver ignores my protests as he helps me to my feet.
Loretta is clearly less than thrilled at this development, but forces a smile as she puts her hand around his neck, marking her territory.
“Look, you guys clearly have plans. I’ll just get an Über and pick my car up tomorrow. No big deal, it’ll be fine,” I argue, not wanting to encroach by playing gooseberry.
“Don’t be so stubborn, Roselynn. I’ll drive you home in your car, and then my driver can pick me up from there. Loretta can go with him and meet me after. Problem solved.”
“But I’m only ten minutes from my house; it’s really no problem for me to grab a cab,” I protest.
Oliver just laughs, although his companion appears less amused.
“Look at it this way. You’ve only been working for me for just over a week, and already you’ve managed to bring order to the chaos. So, I’m just protecting my business.”
“Well, if you put it that way…” I sigh in resignation.
As we’re leaving, Loretta gives Oliver a very passionate kiss in the elevator, right there in front of me, and I find it kind of vulgar. God, they’re playing tonsil hockey and twisting tongues, while I have a front row seat to their show. All I’m missing are the 3D glasses and the popcorn. I do my best to look elsewhere, but they’re blocking the way out of the elevator so there’s no escaping. I’m stuck with this passionate couple behind closed doors.
How fucking lucky am I?
Or do I envy them?
I remember when Chase used to kiss me like that…
Change the subject, I don’t want to start crying. That would be the cherry on top of my pity cake.
Once Oliver and I are finally in my car and start driving back, I feel nauseated by the motion, but he slows down when he notices me turning a lovely shade of green, and fortunately it’s only a short ride back.
As we approach, I give him the code for the parking lot, and two minutes later we’re parked in my bay. When I struggle to get out of the car, Oliver takes my arm and tells me to lead the way to Ariel’s.