“I’ve never been to Ariel’s place, that girl is full of surprises.”
Tell me about it, she’s like a Pandora’s box of good things. Once you open it, you have no idea of the things that will come out of there.
I’m thankful for Oliver’s assistance as I’m still kind of wobbly on my feet, although I get myself under control as we walk to the apartment.
And guess who is there waiting and watching.
“Had a good night, Roselynn?” Chase hisses at me. “About time you got back!” He’s glaring at Oliver while he speaks.
“I’ll come home at whatever time I want, since I don’t live with you anymore!” I yell at him, the alcohol making me bold.
Who the fuck does he think he is?
“Legally I’m still your husband! Don’t you forget that!” he yells back.
“My very soon to be ex-husband, don’t you forget that!” I counter. “Which, may I remind you, was your decision, not mine.”
“Do you want me to stay?” Oliver intervenes, gently touching my arm. It’s not a loving gesture, this isn’t going there, but if looks could kill, Chase would be sending my new boss to a better life right now.
“No, thank you, but that won’t be necessary. I’ll be okay, Oliver,” I reply, trying to calm things down. “Thanks for the ride and for taking care of me.”
Chase frowns as he exhales sharply, clearly relieved that Oliver is about to leave.
“If you’re sure. I’ll call you in the morning,” Oliver says, as he gives me a quick brotherly kiss on the cheek, much to Chase’s displeasure.
What a stupid situation. My boss whom I don’t have anything to do with, and my ex-husband, both marking their territory.
Oliver leaves me to face Chase, who is sporting a greenish furious Hulk-like gaze.
“What do you want?” I need him to leave, he has no right to stand there, berating me. I might still be his wife legally for now, but nothing more.
“I was worried about you, Roselynn,” he says in a low conciliatory voice. “And rightly so. Just look at the state of you.”
Yes, I’m a bit tipsy. So what?
“I’m not your concern anymore. Just live your life the way you want, because that’s what I’m doing. And how I choose to live my life now is none of your business.”
He said he wanted to be free, right?
This is the freedom he was seeking.
He made his bed. Now he has to lie on it.
Alone. At least without me. Sadly.
Damn it. I miss him.
Time to run.
I turn around without giving him the chance to reply. I just want to hide, to regain my composure or maybe lose it completely.
But as I’m heading to the apartment, Chase grabs me by the elbow and stops me.
Fuck, I was doing so well.
“You’ve cut your hair. You look beautiful. You look like…”
“Like what?” I ask angrily, still so full of the pain of our break up.