He rubbed his jaw and paused to think. “He said he liked you from the start. You made him feel like he was still needed. All of us were getting older and not interested in taking his advice, but you listened to him.”

I sighed. “I did. He knows so much. He’s like a historian.”

“Yes,” Rocco said nodding with a grin on his face. “He has libraries at every property and believe me, he’s read every book.”

“Rocco…there is something else I need to know,” I began and flicked my eyes to his.

“Yes?” he asked.

“Marjorie Storm was until recently your girlfriend,” I said raising a brow.

His smile wilted. “We broke up a couple of weeks ago.”

That was sooner than I’d thought, and I wondered how long they were together. However, the tension in his expression and his glances at the door told me he didn’t want to discuss it. But I couldn’t drop it either.

“You must still have feelings for her.…” I let my voice trail off, my pulse racing as I waited for his answer.

He made his face expressionless. “If I do, it doesn’t matter. We had no future. What do you want to know?”

I winced inwardly. That wasn’t exactly the reassurance I wanted, but I appreciated his willingness to tell me the truth. “Are you…are we, exclusive? I mean, are you going to have girlfriends, and we’re going to be like business partners?”

I thought of Mama and Glenn. He was always kind to her, but now I knew he had girlfriends.

He winced. “Why would I do that? Is that what you think of me?” He grimaced and put his hands on his hips. “I was just eating you out in the car. You think I’d just do that?” His words were blunt, but so was his point.

My face burned. “I…I didn’t want to assume—”

“Whatever you read about me online isn’t true. I’m not that kind of a man. I learned in my teens and early twenties that everyone isn’t with me for the right reasons. I’ve even been blackmailed before.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, Rocco,” I said softly.

“The tabloids make up stories about the women I bring into my life. I don’t date them all. Most are friends. But when I do date, it’s only one partner at a time. I’m tested regularly for diseases. Your grandparents have my medical history as part of our arrangement. I’m up-to-date, disease free, and have regular checkups.”

I had regular health screens too because my grandparents were obsessed with my virginity.

“Okay, Rocco, uhm thank you for being open and honest with me,” I said and cleared my throat. “It wasn’t my intention to assume. But the little I know about you is what’s published by the press online.”

He bobbed his head. “I get that. But whatever you want to know Adelina, you should ask me. Okay? I’m marrying you and that means a commitment from both of us,” he said in a sharp tone. His jaw had tightened and there was a stiffening in his demeanor. While I could see he was mad, it wasn’t all about me. It was his reputation out there.

I gentled my voice and said, “I’m sorry for offending you. Couldn’t you have gotten out of this marriage and married someone you love?” I lowered my head.

He sighed heavily and the bed dipped next to me. He lifted my chin and our eyes met. “Nothing is easy, even for me. I’ve accepted that there’s no way out of an arranged marriage. Trust me. I went through many lawyers and legal options to see what could be done. It’s ironclad. If I say no, my brother Salvatore marries and takes my birthright. I’d never allow that.”

“So you’re just going to be with me,” I murmured.

Rocco took my hands. “That’s why we signed the marriage license. I want to try, Adelina, but that takes you trying, too. I could throw a tantrum or move forward. I chose forward. You can, too. So are you with me?”

Rocco was even minded, practical in his situation, and I liked that even more. It was up to us what we did with our marriage. But even if he still loved Marjorie, he was committed and that had to be enough for me.

I nodded. “Yeah. Thanks.”

He squeezed my hands and then let go. “Good. Go on and rest.”

I didn’t stop him this time and he left the room.

My body felt heavy with tiredness. I wasn’t ready to relive the worst times of my life. Leaving for Italy was my chance to escape it all. We will both have to let things go.

I showered and found clothes for me in the built-in wardrobe and went to sleep. Sometime later, I woke up on my own. The plane had landed. Rocco hadn’t returned to stay, but a soft blanket covered me and rested under my chin. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. Sweet.