Rocco had been getting me used to his casual touches from the start. It was possessive in a way that had taken me off guard, and it awakened a need inside me like no other. I had little or no defense against it. I needed some distance to clear my head.
Mama demanded my indifference, but she also advised me to get pregnant. Was I to be cold to Rocco and also behave like some temptress? There’s no way I could pull off such a calculated aloofness. Grandfather said to obey Rocco in every way. Yet, they weren’t treating Rocco well. Why would they risk it when they said they needed this marriage? They wanted his money, but were too proud to show him respect? I couldn’t imagine him putting up with it. Where will that leave me?
“Do you want to know where we’re going?” Rocco said, interrupting my thoughts.
My brows rose. “Where?”
“Florence. But we’re flying into Pisa to drive to the house from there.”
Excitement spiked my veins, and I beamed at him. “Really? Pisa and Florence?”
He squeezed my hand. “I thought you’d enjoy it.”
My legs were eager to jump up and down on hearing the news, and he chuckled as he watched me unbuckle my seat belt, my mouth aching from my big smile. My hands moved out to hug him, but I hesitated. My pulse increased at the fear that he’d reject me. It wasn’t logical after what we had done together, but that was my experience. I had always waited because I was never sure anyone would reciprocate my affection. My grandparents expected restraint, and Mama had expected me to be her rock. There wasn’t much room for me to express my feelings. With Cassidy, it had taken me years to hug her. I’d only been quick to do so with Nadia, who hugged me many times; it just seemed natural with her. But Rocco….
“Adelina,” Rocco said my name to refocus my attention. His expression was joyous; he moved the armrest and calmly waited.
My hands were hesitant at first, but I moved them toward him. My arms went around him, and he let out a deep sigh as he drew me close.
My heart pounded and worries rose in my mind that I may be reading too much into things. Still, I closed my eyes and basked in his arms with contentment.
Sometime later, I asked the flight attendant Alice in Italian where I could find Rocco. “Grazie mille. Potete dirmi dove posso trovare Rocco?”
She nodded and gestured down the aisle. “Rocco è nella camera da letto, ultima porta in fondo all’aereo.”
I walked down to the last door at the back and went inside. It was a bedroom with a king-sized bed, dark wood side tables, leather chairs, and even a built-in library in a locked cabinet with books. My hand moved over the outside, scanning what Rocco would read. There was something for everyone: thrillers, mysteries, memoirs, and romance. Hmm. Not bad.
“Adelina?” Rocco’s voice called.
I turned and wow. He was naked. I should have walked out but my eyes were too absorbed. He was a beauty to behold, muscular, firm, and tanned. Without lines. There was a thin trail of hair below his navel that went down to his large cock that hung between his well-toned thighs. Something else caught my sight. Terry cloth? My eyes lifted, as he was using a white towel to dry himself. Then it hit me. I was being rude.
I covered my hot face. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay. I’m not shy,” he said evenly. “If you’re curious and want to—”
“No, uhm, please put something on,” I said quickly, and waited a few minutes before dropping my hands. He was smiling at me, now in a pair of pajama bottoms and still hot.
He patted the bed and took a chair. I sat on the edge of it.
“I was coming to get you to rest back here. You can shower, sleep, and watch a movie.” He picked up the remote and showed me how to use it.
“Doesn’t this feel odd to you at all?” I asked, placing the remote down.
He stood and put on a robe. “What?”
“Showering on your own plane.”
“Money definitely makes life easier, but not perfect.” He sat back down, and my pulse sped up. “I got the luck of being born into wealth. You were, too.”
I flicked my gaze at him. “My mother was, not me.”
He nodded and stood. “You were upset about your mother, but I feel like there’s something you’re not telling me, but I won’t pressure you. I’ll see you when we land.”
But was there anything Rocco wasn’t telling me? Mama had a point about Mr. Marini’s contact with me. “Wait, Rocco.”
He turned around. “Yes?”
“Did your grandfather ever tell you why he stayed in contact with me?” I asked.