“Thank you, Carla,” he rumbles. That’s her fucking name, I knew I was close.
“Would I be right to presume you’re taking your break now, Officer Graves?” Mrs. Willows quips, slinking out from behind the desk.
“Absolutely.” The word rolls off his tongue and slides down my spine, leaving chills in its wake. His fingers interlock with mine as he gently pulls me from the horny fog I’ve found myself in and leads me outside.
My cock throbs painfully as she bends at the waist to grab some things from the back seat of her car. The breeze kisses across the back of her thighs causing this sinful little skirt to shift and expose more of her porcelain flesh to my hungry gaze. The very thin hold I have on my restraint threatens to snap as I ghost my gloved fingers across her skin. I hear her sharp gasp and watch mesmerized as goosebumps erupt from my touch. The front of my thighs push against the backs of hers as I close in on her, pushing her into the back seat of her Civic and crawling in on top of her.
“Nox.” Her voice is an erotic whisper and it unleashes the beast within me. I flip her over and take her in.
Hovering my lips above hers, I whisper, “Did you wear this scrap of fabric just for me?”
“Were you trying to be impossible to say no to?”
“Mhmm.” Her voice hums through me as she peppers light kisses along the column of my neck. What am I doing? I can’t make out with her in the back seat of her car in the precinct parking lot. My captain would have a clear view of her writhing on my fingers if he took a glance out his window. Then I smell it...the overwhelming scent of fast food, my stomach gurgles loudly. She stops her feather light torture and tries to suppress a snicker.
“When’s the last time you ate?” Concern is woven through the harmony of her voice and my heart swells.
“I had a muffin while on the road this morning.”
“What time was that?”
“5 am.”
“It’s nearly 3, Nox. Get up so you can eat.”
“Up. Now. I came here to check up on you, not dry hump in the back of my car,” she scolds.
Her authoritative voice and desire to care for me makes me less inclined to move and much more likely to drop to my knees to worship her. I roll my hips and I see the pleasure swamp her. Her eyes roll back and close. I do it again and she lifts her hips to meet mine.
“Isn’t this so much more fun though, baby?”
“It’s alright,” she says flatly, shrugging, face impassive. She’s got to be fucking kidding. Now she wants to be a brat? I’ve gone too fucking long without her pussy stretched around my cock and I’m likely to go AWOL tonight to get it. I level her with my glare and she starts laughing.
“You should see your face!” she gets out through broken giggles. My brows furrow. “I’m sorry. I was just kidding,” she says lightly. She’s met with my silence as I’m lost in thoughts of how to discreetly get her on the cusp of release and then deny her. Her palm cups my cheek as she pulls me back to reality. A delightful idea blooms, but I need to get her out of here for it to work.
I kiss her sweetly, dragging it on until we’re both breathless. Our tongues war for dominance as I wrap her legs around me. Nestling my cock so close to her, I can feel her heat. She’s moving against me without even realizing it. My radio crackles to life from its sheath on my belt. Fucking finally.
“Take it where I can’t see it.” Captain Graves’s commanding voice echoes through the tight space and Mallory flushes red with embarrassment.
“Yes, sir,” I reply into the mouthpiece attached to my shoulder. I knew Carla wouldn’t be able to keep her mouth shut. I guarantee as soon as the door shut behind us she was in my uncle’s ear about what she just witnessed.
“Oh my God,” she whispers. “Can he see us?”
Mortification swallows her whole as she covers her face with her hands.
“Probably. The window for his office is just over there,” I reply. Looking up, I see my uncle through the glass. I nod to him and he returns the gesture then turns away.
“Shit. Nox. Get off me. He’s going to think I’m a slut for almost having sex with you in the parking lot.” She pushes me back and off of her, sitting up and turning to face the front. Her hand lands on the door handle, desperate to make an escape from the embarassment she's feeling.
“HEY!” I snap. She jumps slightly at the harshness in my voice as her big amber eyes evade my gaze. I firmly grip her chin and turn her face towards mine. “Look at me,” I demand. Reluctantly she does, although she’s dragging it out.
“Talk like that about yourself again and I’ll redden your ass. Got it?” She nods. “Words, Mallory.”