“Yes, I understand,” she replies, slightly above a whisper.
“You are a slut,” I say bluntly.
Her face falls and she breaks our eye contact. My fingers slide from her chin, trace around her neck, then weave into her hair. She’s so crestfallen I don’t think she even notices. That won’t do, I haven’t made my point yet. My hand clenches into a fist as I force her gaze back to mine.
“You’re my slut."
“What?” Her voice is so muted, I barely hear it. Her eyes shoot back to mine as she hangs on my every word.
“You're my slut…and my sweetheart. My cock tease and my princess." I close the distance between us, my lips whispering against hers as I continue my explanation. "My love and my dirty little whore. You’re mine.” She’s lost for words and it pleases me. With my grip still tight in her hair, I pull her lips to meet mine. She tries to resist but I wrap my other arm around her middle and yank her towards me.
“Don’t deny me what I’ve gone so long without,” I breathe, soaking up the feeling of her warm skin. The fight melts from her body as her arms embrace me and she sinks into our kiss. Her lips move against mine even though I can begin to feel her move away. It’s never enough with her. I want to cling to this moment, to her, to the way her presence makes the rest of the awful world fade away. Nothing exists but her and I, no matter where we are.
“We should go,” she pants, trying to catch her breath.
“Doesn’t matter, as long as we can eat and drink half melted milkshakes there,” she replies.
“There’s milkshakes? You didn’t tell me there were milkshakes!” I jokingly shove her away from me and fly between the front seats to grab for them. “Please lead with the important details next time.”
Mallory’s face is a mix of shock and adoration as she watches me tear into the bags looking for a straw. Pulling one out and holding it up victoriously, she softly laughs. I sneak a look at her and emotion swamps me. Is this what love feels like? It’s the closest I’ve ever been to complete happiness, the only thing that would make this perfect is her acceptance of my other half. Does she feel like this too?
“Which one is mine?” I ask.
“They’re both chocolate,” she answers. I spear the straw through the plastic top and stir it up, mixing the melted and still frozen parts together. I hand the cup to my little siren and her eyes widen. You come first, baby, always.
“Thanks,” she gently replies. I smile in return then pick up the other cup and repeat the process. It’s delicious and I hum in approval.
“Let's take this to-go,” I say.
“I know a spot.” I throw her a wink and it’s like she can’t exit the vehicle fast enough.
Chapter Fifty-One
“When do you have to be back by?”
“Whenever I want. Captain knows I’ve damn well earned an extended lunch break.” A mischievous smirk pulls at the corner of Nox’s mouth as he hops down from the tailgate. He bags up all of our garbage and puts it in the cab of his truck. We left my car at the police station because Nox was the one who knew the way to this little piece of heaven. I can hear him shuffling around but I’m too entranced by this new spot to worry about what he’s doing. It’s not as far away as the place he first took me to with the dock, but it’s just as serene. A small brook trickles through the clearing in the dense wooded forest. A speckling of wild flowers cover the ground as the chirping of birds carries on the breeze. It’s beautiful and relaxing. My legs hang off the side of the truck as I lay back and close my eyes, breathing in the late summer air and basking in the warmth of the sun’s rays. The clouds have finally broken up enough to let the late afternoon light through. I wish we could stay here in our little bubble for the rest of the day. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of this man. Correction, I know I won’t.
We caught up on the drive here. It wasn’t far, but long enough for me to tell him about my week and him to tell me I’m a genius for catching the detail with the initials. Pride bloomed within me at his praise, but it’s such a foreign feeling I don’t know how to accept it without downplaying it.
A clanking sound pulls me back to the present. I slowly open my eyes, not wanting to be blinded by the sun. A shadow blocks out the light as my wrists are grabbed and I’m dragged up into the box of the truck. I shriek in surprise and a dark laugh echoes around me as handcuffs click tight around my wrists. Before I can even register what’s happening, my legs are pushed apart and Nox’s lips land against mine. My thighs cradle his hips as his hard body looms over me. The kiss is aggressive and demanding and over much too soon. I chance a look behind me and see that two sets of cuffs are enclosed around a metal anchor point on the side of the truck bed. I’m at his mercy and I don’t think I’ve ever been filled with more anticipation. The only other time I was restrained was with Ghost. Would they be into sharing me while tied up like this? The thought makes my pussy drip with want. What the hell is wrong with me?
“Where did you go just now?” His voice pulls me from my filthy daydream, but there’s no way I’m spilling the details on what I was just thinking about.
“What do you mean?” I say as innocently as possible. His gaze is assessing and I feel like he can see right through me.
He unzips my sweater and takes in the shirt I’m wearing. Ghostface is staring up at him from beneath the phrase, 'What’s your favourite scary movie?' The blinding sunlight is making my eyes water, but I swear he’s trying to suppress a smile while gazing down upon me.
“I can tell when you get lost in your own thoughts, Mallory. Tell me what you were thinking about.”
“Nah,” I say. More like, absolutely fucking not.
“Fine, I have ways to persuade you to talk.”