Jasmine juggles our scripts and shoots me a sour look. “What? No! Of course I’m not behind that. How would I be taking those photos when I’m in half of them, huh? I’m talking about the ones from when she’s younger starting to show up. It’s really interesting, if you ask me.”
She’s right. It doesn’t take a genius to know she is. Grant and I both know she is, even if we haven’t had much time to talk about it.
“There’s nothing to those photos.”
“So you’re lying, then.”
Kit lied to us this morning. I fucking hate it when she lies to me.
“Sure.” I turn on my heel and head back towards the main building.
“Hey! Where are you going? We’re supposed to be running lines!” Jasmine yells at my back but I keep walking.
The only person I’d turn around for is Kit. “Get your shit together,” I bark over my shoulder, “I don’t want to spend all day on this scene.”
Jasmine yells at me but her words are lost on the wind and I don’t slow down to try and figure them out. My mind is on Kit. Why did my shy girl lie this morning? Whatever the reason, it’s bigger than prom. If Jasmine can see it, I know other people can too, which doesn’t suit my plans to keep Kit comfortable and happy.
Grant and I have planning to do and a fucker to kill. Those pictures are done.
Chapter Five
Ilooked everywhere online for a hint that someone knew what happened on my prom night, about Mark and me, but there’s nothing.
Just that stupid blurry photo that Mark took.
I swallow hard and snap my laptop shut when someone comes a little too close to me. I’m sitting in the production lot cafeteria, trying not to lose my shit. I usually avoid this place unless I’m with someone else, but I didn’t really know where to go. It’s not so bad in the cafeteria right now. It’s slow. Just some production crew members over in the corner together. I recognize their faces but I’ve never spoken to them, so it’s relatively peaceful.
I could have gone to Grant or Rafe’s suites but being alone didn’t feel right. If I was alone, I’d probably think someone was watching me. I’d rather be out in the open where, even if I’m being watched, at least there’s other people around. There’s some safety here.
If there’s any photos leaked about me, I’d rather them happen here. Somewhere public and in the open because that would make sense. If anyone can see me, anyone can take the photos. But if I’m somewhere private…
Well then, that’s a whole different problem considering I’m dating my stalkers.
I pick up the coffee I ordered and haven’t touched for the past hour I’ve been obsessing over online photos and possible stalkers I’m not in love with. I sip and wince at the ice-cold coffee but it’s something to do with my hands, at least. Anything is better than pulling out my hair like I want to. I pack up my computer and after one more shitty sip of coffee, I toss it before I leave.
Moving is good. If I’m moving then it feels easier to think. I exit the building through the side door with the aim of walking the production lot. The second the metal door swings open I take a deep breath and relax. I haven’t left the lot alone since my run in with the men who caught me in the trees months ago.
“It was a necessary evil,” Grant said when I finally knew why and how they’d found me. A normal woman would be horrified to know her boyfriend had hired them but Grant had his reasons. Besides, he'd killed them for me.
It’s the little things.
The sun is shining and it’s getting warm out. I don’t care that Rafe and Grant think it’s not safe for the beach getaway I want to take. We’re doing it the second it’s really summer. By The Way filming will be over halfway done by then, at least I think it will. I was told the whole thing would take about a year but I hear production is moving faster than we thought.
It’s nice to know. I can leave then–we all can. Technically, I could leave now but there’s no way I’d leave Grant and Rafe behind to go hide in Connecticut. Even if I did have half a mind to do it, the pair of them would be right behind me to drag my ass back.
The production lot is busy like it always is, but I see him right away.
He’s standing at the cluster of picnic tables I had half a mind to go to, but he’s not alone. Jasmine is there with him.
“Fucking bitch,” I whisper.
As uncomfortable as it makes me, I really, really hate Jasmine. She might be the first person I’ve ever admitted to myself that I’ve hated in real time. Normally it takes me years to admit how I really feel about someone, but Jasmine?
Not even four months with Jasmine and I want to rip every hair out of her head and make her swallow it. I don’t show it, or at least I try not to show it in front of anyone. Grant and Rafe, I can’t fool but the others, that’s easy enough to do.