Page 8 of Holy Sinner

I spent years hiding from people. I can manage a few months with people that I don’t care about. I move to the side and let the metal door go behind me. It clangs shut and the sun shines bright while I watch my boyfriend and the bitch I detest talk. They’re running lines from the looks of the script in their hands but they can’t be talking about the script.

There isn’t a single line written in By The Way that would have Rafe looking at Jasmine the way he is now. Disgust and loathing flash for a second before his handsome face smooths right back down to nothing. She’s got him riled about something else.

When he throws his script at her, I’m pretty sure I know what it is. There’s only one thing that would have Rafe showing this kind of emotion.


She’s never hidden what she thinks about me or my presence on site. Anger bubbles up under my skin but I stay where I am. I watch while Rafe stalks away from Jasmine and heads back into the building where the set he’s expected to be on in half an hour is. I watch while Jasmine has a pity party and throws her script onto the ground before she stomps off in the opposite direction. She keeps her head down and doesn’t look at anyone while she power walks through the lot and I light up when I see where she’s going.

The trees.


I shift my messenger bag higher on my shoulder with a smile and amble after Jasmine into the trees I’ve stayed out of until now. Jasmine is too tempting. A few people notice me on my way through the lot. I know why. They all remember what happened the last time that I went into the forest surrounding the production lot. I came out bruised and bloody, Grant carrying me to the onsite medical team while security went on a manhunt for the men that attacked me.

They didn’t find them then. The trees are too thick, too dark, too fucking easy to get lost in when you don’t know what you’re looking for. Good thing I do.

Jasmine kind of makes it easy with the bitch fit she’s having as she stomps through the forest. Anyone sane would think to stay out of the woods after what happened to me. They never found those men, after all. Maybe pieces of them, but it’s not like anyone was able to put them together enough for an ID, so you know…

For all she knows they’re still out there.Yet here she is, crashing through the trees and ranting like an idiot.

“Fuck him and that stupid bitch.”

Yup. I was right. It was me.

I stick to the shadows the massive pines cast and watch, always letting Jasmine get ahead of me but not too far. The production lot vanishes behind us and the trees close in. The clearing I was attacked in opens up in front of her and Jasmine keeps walking.

“That freak!” She screams to the sky. Weird. Who the fuck screams at nothing? Jasmine is in the center of the clearing, almost where I was when my attackers cornered me. I follow suit and step out from the trees.

I drop my messenger bag to the ground with a soft thud, clear my throat and watch Jasmine freeze. She has her back to me, hands in the air like an old man screaming at the clouds. She turns slowly and I can hear the dirt and rocks shift beneath her feet when she does. She’s not wearing clothes meant to be out here–high-heeled sandals and a wispy pink sundress that seems like it would be more suited to a photoshoot than a grueling day on set.

Jasmine slowly lowers her hands and turns to fully face me. “What are you doing here?” She crosses her arms and stares at me like I’m shit on the bottom of her high-heeled sandals.

Whatever. She’s the one that decided taking a hike in her sundress was smart.

“Thought we could have a little chat.”

“Why would I want to talk to you?”

“Because it’s long overdue, you stupid cunt.”

Jasmine’s eyes go wide and her mouth drops open. “What did you call me?” she splutters and when I take a step towards her she’s smart enough to drop back.

“I called you a stupid cunt. Are you a hard of hearing one, too?

“You bitch,” she spits. Jasmine’s face turns hard. It’s clear she thinks she’s the dangerous one here. After my attack, Rafe and Grant showed me self defense. The basic stuff, to know that I’d be able to get away if I needed to. Turns out I’m pretty good at it, even if I spent my whole life trying to avoid fighting.

I clutch my heart and keep walking into the clearing. “Oh, ouch. That totally hurt my feelings. You’ve been holding onto that one for a while now, huh? Bet it feels good to finally say it.”

“What the fuck do you want, Kit?”

“I want you to stay away from my boyfriends.”

She sneers and watches me as I circle her. Her eyes go to my messenger bag like something is going to jump out at her. She doesn’t realize the weapon I’m going to use on her is on me, not in my bag. I want to make this count, so I’m fine setting up for the best angle.

“Never figured you for a girl fight kinda wimp. Guess you grew a backbone from fucking them.”

“No one likes a bitter bitch, Jasmine.”