His tongue pushed past my lips for a dance with mine, obliterating what remained of my self-control. Swinging my arms around his neck, I pressed myself against him and returned every ounce of his passion. Groaning, he pinned me forcefully against the door to my bedroom, but I was so engaged in the moment that I gave no attention to the fact that we might wake Jason.

Hungry in their movements, his large hands explored my curves, squeezing and stroking, causing lust of a whole new level to override my reason. As his hand grasped my breast, I groaned into his mouth and shoved it deeper within his grip. His other hand trailed lower, sliding down my waistline until he clasped my nightdress and pushed it upward. He ran his hands across my bared skin, lovingly, then cupped my bum and lifted me. Locked between his body and the door, I wrapped my legs around him.

He thrust his hips forward then, making me gasp. His erection pressed against my bare entrance, evoking delicious memories of our night together. I desperately wanted to feel him inside me again, but I knew it would only make a bad situation worse.

At that moment, I caught myself wishing he were all I cared about, that nothing else mattered. If only he weren’t going to be my boss. If only he weren’t Jason’s brother. And if only I didn’t care so much about my career.

But I did.

‘Fuck.’ I pulled away from his mouth.

His jaw clenched. ‘As I thought.’ He put me down and retreated a pace.

His words struck me like a knife.

‘I’m sorry,’ I whispered, tears pricking my eyes again.

Contempt poured from his. ‘Spare me,’ he said and went for the door.

‘No, you misunderstand.’ My face contorted. ‘I pulled away because I don’t want to hurt you.’

‘Don’t patronise me,’ he said venomously.

‘Please, listen to me. I can’t give you what you want.’

He paused in front of the door. ‘You can.’ He glanced at me over his shoulder. ‘You just won’t.’

Panicking, I rushed over to stall him. We couldn’t part like this. It was paramount that we settled this once and for all, because it was crucial that we maintained harmony, especially for Jason’s sake.

I stepped in front of the door to prevent him from leaving. ‘Can we talk? Once you’ve sobered up?’

He refused to meet my gaze. ‘Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to feel wounded by something when I have no right to feel that way?’ he asked vehemently. ‘There is no satisfaction, just an everlasting state of limbo.’

I realised he was referring to when he had walked in on Aaron and me, and to know that he felt that made my tears brim over. His misery was palpable, and I hated being the reason behind it. I wished I could make it go away. He didn’t deserve to suffer like this.

‘Perhaps if you allowed me to explain, you won’t feel that way anymore.’

‘Why are you so scared to be loved?’ he asked and finally looked at me.

My breath rasped in my throat, a sharp pain searing into my chest. Was he implying that he was in love with me? No, he couldn’t be.

Could he?

‘I’m not scared to be loved,’ I said, my voice light and shaky. ‘You misunderstand. I’m scared to find my attention divided. I’m scared to love.’ And you most of all.

He shook his head. ‘I’d like to leave now.’

I remained in front of the door. ‘I really think we should talk.’

‘There’s nothing left to say.’

‘Please.’ I grimaced. ‘Are you free tomorrow?’

His jaw flexed as he glared away.

‘William, please.’

‘No,’ he bit out and forced me to step aside. ‘I’ll see you in June, Cara.’