‘She’s my friend. Not yours,’ Jason said, sounding like a brat.

William’s chest expanded with his deep inhalation, but it seemed to have no appeasing effect, because antagonism continued to swell in his eyes.


In the dim light, I saw his jaw flex, and it looked like he had stopped breathing.

Jason gave him a snort and zig-zagged toward my room, where he went straight to bed. As I went to close the door after him, William charged toward the hall, but I stopped him before he could pass me. I had just managed to shut the door when I gripped his arm, and I was shocked at the way he jerked away from my touch.

Pure intimidation exploded in my chest when he faced me properly. Stepping forward, he trapped me between his huge body and the door.

He reeked of alcohol. He had clearly seemed soberer than he was.

My heart pounded as I looked into his blistering gaze. His menacing demeanour held me in a tight grip, paralysing me. I couldn’t move a muscle.

‘You are to stay the fuck away from Jason,’ he commanded chillingly. ‘Do you hear me?’

I swallowed, my stomach clenching in a knot. ‘Of course. I haven’t touched him, not like that. I’d never.’

He raised a brow, conveying that he didn’t believe me in the slightest.

‘I swear,’ I said as unbidden tears surfaced in my eyes.

He glared at me for another while, assessing my sincerity. Then, without a word, he turned and approached the door.

‘William, I’m sorry I hurt you,’ I said, and I couldn’t help the quiver in my voice.

He froze, hand lingering on the handle.

Seeing a chance to speak, I continued, ‘Will, I’m not your girlfriend. I’ve got to be allowed to do this sort of thing in my own home, and it’s not as if you haven’t been guilty of the same.’

He whirled around with a look of scorn. ‘What?’

‘Yes.’ I gestured to him. ‘Francesca, Violet, Kate? How many are there, really?’

I tensed up when he moved toward me again. Halting only a foot away, he glared down at me.

‘For your information,’ he fumed, ‘Kate is my ex, and I haven’t spoken to her in well over a year. As for Violet and Francesca, I haven’t seen them like that for weeks and had actually planned to end it with them because of you.’

My lips parted with shock. That was the last thing I had anticipated, so it took me several seconds to conjure up a reply. ‘I...I’m sorry. I didn’t know.’

He frowned and stared sharply at me. ‘Of course you didn’t. That’s precisely my point. Stop assuming you know anything at all.’

My throat tightened. ‘You’re right, I’m sorry.’

He kept glaring at me, holding me still with his eyes alone, until his shoulders finally sank.

Sensing that he was calming down, I dared to say, ‘I don’t expect you to stop seeing them. I don’t expect anything from you at all.’

His face twisted, his features emanating a vulnerability that made my heart contract. ‘Why are you like this?’

I grimaced. ‘I tried to warn you.’

‘You’re in love with him, aren’t you? With Aaron?’

His question beat the air out of my lungs. ‘What? No!’ Was that really what he inferred from this? ‘I’ve already told you, I—’

He clasped my head between his hands, and before I knew it, his warm mouth had moulded against my own. Instantly, my chest filled with delight and I rejoiced in the taste of him. Again, that uncanny sensation spread through my body, reminding me that this was how a kiss was supposed to feel – entirely right. I softened against him, yielding to the amorous motion of his mouth.