‘Not yet,’ he chastised and released my right forearm to spank me. The sting of his palm made me hiss. What he had done was counterproductive, because my drenched, quivering walls clenched down on him as if to reject him, but he forced past them all the same.

‘Don’t you dare,’ he growled. ‘We’re coming together this time.’

The sound of our flesh parting and meeting echoed through the room as the most erotic thing I had ever heard.

‘Please,’ I begged, shaking my head. A whole night of this was out of the question. I wouldn’t last. I was sure.

‘Nearly there,’ he consoled me and released my left arm as well, but he grabbed my hips to hold me in place. Desperate to release at least a portion of the tension, I tugged my own hair while I silently pleaded for him to come.

Finally, his thrusts switched rhythm. They grew slower, but harder.

‘Fuck,’ he groaned, and I could hear that his teeth were clenched. He dug his fingers into my buttocks, nails clawing them. ‘Come for me,’ he commanded, and I instantly obeyed.

I shuddered through my intense climax, lost to the world. He closed over me immediately, confining me to him. With strong arms wrapped around me, he performed his final thrust and spilled himself within me. Falling limp in his arms, I heaved for air. I barely noticed that he rolled us onto our sides, where he withdrew from within me.

We recovered in silence. Though I couldn’t speak for him, I was not only recovering from my row of orgasms, but also from shock. I had never had better sex, nor met a man more compelling.

His eventual sigh broke the quiet. While squeezing me against him, he planted a firm kiss on my neck and nuzzled his face in the crook of it.

‘I’m gutted you don’t want to do this again some other time,’ he said.

I didn’t reply because I couldn’t find my voice.

An invisible fire in the form of his hand travelled up and down the curve of my waistline.

‘You’re so damn stunning. Do you know that?’

I cleared my throat and turned to look at him. Wearing a smile, I said hoarsely, ‘Now that’s how you give compliments, William.’

He smiled lopsidedly. ‘I’m a quick learner.’

I tittered. ‘You’re conceited, is what you are.’

‘Really?’ He frowned. ‘And how would you know? You hardly know me.’

‘Cocky, at best,’ I teased and faced away again.

‘Well, you’re rather annoying.’

‘And yet here I am.’

‘Against your better judgement.’

I laughed. ‘If you’d like me to leave, I will.’

He tensed against me. ‘Don’t.’

‘All right, then.’ I turned over and smiled at him. ‘All part of the deal, I suppose.’

He propped himself on his arm and studied me for a while.

‘Sandra, I’m curious.’

I wasn’t sure I wanted to oblige, but I did anyway. ‘What?’

‘You don’t seem to be particularly inexperienced in terms of sex. Frankly, you come across as being on the liberal end of the spectrum.’

I frowned. ‘Okay?’