I swallowed. ‘All right.’
He leaned away and dragged me with him. Then he bent over and heaved me across his shoulder. Wide-eyed, I stared at the floor beneath my head as he walked off with me, wondering what I had set into motion.
‘What are you doing?’
‘I’m ensuring my end of the bargain,’ he muttered and kicked open the door to another room. He stepped into the darkness of it and dropped me off his shoulder.
I squealed in fear of meeting the floor, but confusion silenced me the instant my skin met soft material. His bed?
He shut the door and turned on the lights. He was grinning at me, clearly amused by my squeal.
‘What, did you think I’d resort to violence?’ he asked.
‘Maybe. For all I know, you could still be Mr Bateman in disguise,’ I said, my lips protruding.
That made him laugh. ‘I’m not. I’m just a man who’s hopelessly interested in you.’
I smirked. ‘I’m sure your mother would be jealous had she heard that.’
He shuddered. ‘What? No. Way to kill the mood.’
I raised a brow and directed my gaze to his ever-present erection. How potent was he? Seriously.
‘You don’t seem affected.’
‘That’s thanks to the glorious view.’ He gestured to me.
I looked away, observing my new surroundings. His bedroom was really quite big. Three doors led into it, and we had arrived through one of them. What was hiding behind the other two? A bathroom, I assumed, as well as a wardrobe, or perhaps a private office?
‘Even for a successful solicitor, your flat’s rather big,’ I said. ‘And seeing as you’re only twenty-eight, I’m struggling to understand how you could’ve amassed such a fortune already.’
‘Well, you’ll never know, and you’ve got yourself to blame,’ he quipped and approached the bed. ‘Shame you’re not a gold digger, Sandra. I’d have you on your knees in a heartbeat if you were.’
I faced him. Unimpressed, I stared at his lopsided smile while he reached for my heels and peeled them off my feet. Once he had put them on the floor, his mouth dived for my calves, and then he kissed his way upward, slowly.
He really was remarkably sensual. It demanded all my willpower not to submit to his wish about meeting again.
I wondered if I would regret it. Then again, if I did, I knew where he lived. He, the poor man, didn’t even know my real name.
While I had been worrying, he had made his way to my throat. Covering it with soft, amorous kisses, he elicited another groan from my mouth. Meanwhile, I seemed to have wrapped my limbs around him subconsciously.
His mouth roamed across my moisture-laden skin, his hands closing around my upper arms. Then he turned me onto my stomach beneath him. I fixed my eyes on the black headboard of his bed and felt him lift only my derrière.
‘I’ll be coming with you this time, but it won’t be the last,’ he warned.
Without further ado, he thrust into me, pushing forward until he reached the very end of me. Hissing, I ground my teeth and fisted his bed sheets so hard that my knuckles grew numb and white. As he made his retreat, he leaned over me, and the intimacy of his action struck me hard.
Strong as a fortress, he hovered above me while his lips blessed my neck. Making his way toward my ear, he said, ‘This is going to get a bit rough, love. Tell me to stop if I’m hurting you.’
My eyes widened and I swallowed. Just what did he have in mind?
Sneaking his hands under my body, he found my wrists, locked them within his grip and dragged my arms back, successfully lifting my torso from his colossal mattress. When he thrust again, I realised what he had meant. I barely managed to stifle a whimper. He was using my arms to balance out his weight. With each thrust, he dragged me toward him, and it made him reach a depth that no other man had.
How it was possible to fuck anybody so well was beyond me. He must have been designed to pleasure women into insanity. Though it hurt faintly, it was undoubtedly a pleasurable pain. Never in my life had I been dominated like this, and I relished it. Granting him power over my pleasure was easily the best decision I had ever made, sex-wise. He knew exactly what to do. He was introducing me to a whole new dimension of sex, and I feared I would never be satisfied with anything less again.
A bottled-up cry spilled out of my mouth as he continued to slam into me. This tension was intolerable. I couldn’t last much longer. It was far too powerful. He was far too powerful, and so my shivers started.
Oh no.