Smiling sheepishly at him, I took his hand.I still couldn’t meet his damn eyes. I tried not to think about the talk I’dhad with Lucy just that morning.
Lucy: Did you see his dangly bits?! Startdescribing. Now.
Me: No, Lucy! I didn’t see his…anything. And,if I do ever get the privilege of seeing it, I’m not calling it “dangly bits”.
Lucy: You’re no fun. Then what the hell wereyou doing in his bed? Tell me you didn’t watch him sleep like the creeper youare.
Me: Sometimes I question our friendship.
Lucy: It’ll pass, don’t worry. Come on,spill it.
Me: Long story short, there was a crazy fanwaiting in his room, which happened to be my room. After she was removed, hewanted me to sleep with him so he could keep me safe.
Lucy: Swoon. Did you hear the thud? I justfainted on the floor. I’m calling you!
Before I could type in that I couldn’ttalk, her face was already lighting up my screen.
“I’m supposed to get ready for hair andmakeup in a few minutes, I can’t talk,” I said as soon as I answered her call.
“Hello to you, too, my best friend. Jeez.Hair and makeup you say? Will you even remember my name in a few days?”
“I was the one who texted you just a fewseconds ago.”
“Well, I couldn’t show my excitementthrough texts, you had to hear my voice. You wanted to hear my voice, didn’tyou?”
I opened the balcony door and steppedoutside to make sure no one could hear me.
“Ok, you did good. I have more to tell, butyou can’t freak out okay? Because if you freak out, I’ll freak out, and I can’tfreak out.”
“Jesus, you’re already freaking me out withall the don’t freak outs.”
“I really have to go before they come in. Idon’t want to enrage Megan. Anyway, like I told you, we slept in the same freakingbed,” I said, jumping up and down a little. I was getting excited just talkingabout it.
“Yes, yes. Keep going, keep going!”
“In the middle of the night, I woke upbecause I felt something on my leg.”
“Whaaaaat?” she screeched on the other endof the line, and I had to pull the phone away from my ear. “Was it his danglybit?”
“No, Lucy. His dick didn’t magically growlegs and walk over to me. He was still asleep, but his hand was on my leg, andhe was…” I lowered my voice and looked down at the floor. “Massaging my thigh.”
Lucy gasped. “He touched your leg. This isscandalous. Go on. I love this.”
I bit my lip to keep from grinning. “Thenhe pulled my leg over his lap and I—”
“Oh my god!” Lucy screamed before I couldfinish my sentence. “He pulled your leg over his cock! You felt his cock! Jamesondoes that when he is awake!”
“Thanks for stealing my thunder,” Imuttered, but I was still smiling.
“Olive?” Jason’s voice pulled me out of mythoughts. “We’re here. You ready to do this?”
I looked out his window and when I saw whatwas waiting on the other side of the door, I suddenly didn’t feel so good afterall. I was getting used to the paparazzi—I even had my own favorites among them—butthis? I could understand why Megan was so hell bent on making sure my entirefocus was on Jason and only Jason.
“Hey,” Jason said softly next to me. Ilooked at him, my panic barely held at bay.
I was screwed.