“You okay?” he asked.
“We don’t have time for this right now,Jason,” Megan interjected.
“I have all the time for Olive. If you’reso determined to get out there, you’re more than welcome.” He gestured to thedoor with his hand.
Megan took a huge breath, gave him a deathglare, and said, “Try to be quick.” Then she was out of the car, leaving usalone.
“You okay?” he repeated.
“There are so many people out there,” Ireplied, my eyes still focused on all the people screaming beyond the redcarpet.
Jason’s fingers caught my chin and myattention shifted to him. “I won’t let you out of my sight. Would that make youfeel better?”
His eyes were so gentle on me. He caredabout me more than he cared about everything that was waiting for him outthere. Someone knocked on the window and I jolted in my place.
I looked out through the back window of thecar and saw that we were holding up the line.
“Don’t mind them.” Jason turned my head tohim again; this time, his thumb gently brushed the underside of my bottom lip.
I took a few deep breaths and nodded tohim. “I’d really appreciate it if you didn’t forget about me out there.”
“Olive,” he murmured, his head slightlytilted to the side. “I’m afraid it’s too late for me to forget about you atall.” My eyes dropped to the dimple.
Did he mean that?
While I was busy being stupid about a damndimple, someone yanked open his door and leaned into the car.
“Mr. Thorn?”
“Come on,” Jason grumbled as he pulled meby my hand. “Let’s get this over with so you can see me kill a bunch of guyswith no shirt on.”
I closed my eyes and, with his help,stepped out.
All the screaming and yelling that eruptedall around us as soon as they spotted their favorite actor forced me to open myeyes and face the music.
Jason’s hand tightened around mine for abrief second as he searched for something in my eyes; whatever he saw must havesatisfied him because he walked forward and gently tugged at my hand to followhim.
With my free hand, I furtively smootheddown my full skirt as I tried to keep up with him. Oh yeah, I was wearing a freakingwhite Burberry dress that I didn’t even want to know the price of. Jason had hadhis own stylist, Jewel, choose something for me as well, and after going overmy options, we had decided to go with the Burberry dress. It was the mostbeautiful thing I’d ever put on. The strapless bustier top fit my skinperfectly and did wonders for my breasts while the full skirt managed to makeit look even more feminine. I never wanted to take it off, especially after I’dcaught Jason sneaking peeks at my breasts more than a few times.
However, since he had such an anguishedexpression on his face whenever his eyes dropped lower than my chin, I couldn’tbe sure if he loved the dress as much as I did or hated it.
Next to Jason Thorn, who was wearing ablack suit that made every single woman in his vicinity lose their mind alittle, I’d actually felt adequate before we had left the hotel. But now…as myeyes landed on his costars and other actors and actresses that were eithergiving interviews to the press or posing for pictures, I felt as small as anant among them.
When our feet hit the red carpet, Jasonpulled me to his left, toward the screaming fans. I couldn’t even guess thenumber of them. The barriers and the strategically placed security guardsseemed to barely hold them back the way they pushed at each other to get closerto Jason. Some of them were crying.
Jason never let go of my hand as we walkedtoward them, but at some point a guy wearing a gray suit approached us to talkto him in quiet tones and then Megan was pulling me away from Jason, forcing meto drop his hand. Briefly, he glanced at me over his shoulder with a smallfrown on his face, but then had to face his fans and sign anything andeverything they shoved at him.
A movement on Jason’s left caught my eyeand I saw a kid, barely older than eight or nine, running toward Jason. He had managedto slip away from one of the security guards, but before he could get to Jason,another one caught him. The commotion must have caught Jason’s attention—as itdid everyone else’s since the kid was yelling and struggling to get out of hiscaptor’s hold—because he turned and motioned to the guy to let go of the kid.He kneeled in front of the boy when he ran to him. We couldn’t hear what theywere saying to each other, but the kid was beaming at Jason with barely containedexcitement. He shoved something in his hand and Jason signed it with a smile onhis face. The kid looked my way and said something to Jason that was funnyenough to make him laugh. The kid dropped his eyes from me, but Jason caught myeye and sent me a wink as he messed up the kid’s hair. The same security guardcame and escorted the boy back to his dad. After that, he chatted some more andsigned a few more arms.
When I thought he was finally done, helooked at me over his shoulder and motioned for me to come to his side.
I looked at Megan, but she had her back tome and was busy on her phone, so I shrugged and tentatively walked towardJason. It was impossible to hear anything he was saying, but as I got closer, Isaw that he was holding something thick in his hand. A book.
My freakingbook.
Doing my best not to show my bafflement, Imade it to his side and looked at him, at a loss as to why he wanted me there.
His warm hand touched my neck and he leaneddown to whisper in my ear, “They want you to sign their book.”