Page 73 of To Love Jason Thorn

“Fine. Bottoms up anyway. I need alcohol inmy system to listen to this. Humor me.”

We took the shots and she took her seat,the tequila bottle clutched tightly in her hands.

I started again, “Apparently the alley videodid more damage than we had thought.”

“How come?”

“No questions,” I warned.

She opened her mouth, but I closed my handover it before she could ask anything else. “I need to tell it all at once,okay? I’m having a hard time staying calm right now as it is. I’m letting yougo, but no questions.”

She nodded, so I pulled my hand back.

“Ok, here goes nothing. Like I said,apparently the video messed things up big time for him. Because of that, hispublicist and agent want him to marry someone.” Her eyes grew huge, but insteadof speaking, she took a mouthful from the bottle, grimacing when it burned downher throat. “You know, become a family man or whatever the hell they arethinking. So they have been showing him headshots. Freaking headshots, can youbelieve that?”

Keeping silent, she noddedenthusiastically.

“Well, I can’t. Anyway. Long story short,he didn’t like any of the potential brides they were showing him. Enter me.When our photos went public and everyone seemed to think we were blissfully inlove, his publicist suggested that I would be the perfect bride-to-be becauseof our past together. He said no one would think it was a publicity stunt toclear the negative press around him. He must agree with their brilliant ideabecause he asked me if I would like to marry him and become his roommate.”

“Can I talk now?”

“Yes, please.”

“Good. Okay, just a second.” She tookanother swig from the bottle and offered it to me. I took two big sips.

“So, you said yes, right?” she asked as Iwas wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. “Tell me you didn’t say no.Because if you did, I might have to punch you in the eye and I doubt that wouldlook good on the cover of those tabloids.”

“I freaked out and left.”

“Clearly you’ve lost your mind.”

Pushing me away, she got up from the bedand placed the back of her hand on my forehead.

“You don’t seem to have a fever.”

I slapped her hand away.

“What am I gonna do, Lucy?”

She leaned down so we were eye to eye andemphatically said, “You’re going to marry Jason freaking Thorn of course.”

I fell back on her bed. “I don’t thinkthat’s a good idea Luce.”

“Why the hell not?”

“It’s not going to be a real marriage. Whatif he br—”

“No.” She shoved her finger in my face.“You’re not gonna start with all the what if this happens, what if that happenscrap.”

“Did you hear something?” I asked, risingup from the bed.

Tilting her head, she looked back at herdoor and listened. “I’m not hearing anything.”

“Sounded like someone opened a door. Who’shome? I’m not supposed to talk to anyone about this. I got my warning rightbefore he dropped me off.”

“Marcus isn’t in and Char is not feelingwell. Last I checked she was sleeping.”

I relaxed. “Still, let’s keep it down.”