“This fake marriage, this is youropportunity, Olive. This is your chance to make him fall in love with you.”
“I’m not sure if we are still talking aboutthe same thing here.”
“Look,” she started in her, ‘I’m a verypatient person’ tone. “You’re still in love with him, aren’t you? Always havebeen, and I believe, always will be. I saw those photos, Olive. He is into you.You can’t fake that kind of chemistry. Okay, maybe he is not in love, at leastnot yet. I’ll give you that much. But you have to give yourself a chance. Yousaid you’ll be living with him for crying out loud. What more do you want?”
My reluctance already dissolving, I turnedmy hopeful eyes up to Lucy. “You’re right. I know you are right. I want tomarry the fuck out of him. But he is also the fucking Jason Thorn, Lucy.If he was a normal guy, just working a normal job, I wouldn’t even think twiceabout it. But he is Jason Thorn. I mean, he could do much better than me.”
She smiled. “But he chose you, didn’t he?And what the hell, let’s say it didn’t work out. What do you have to lose? Yournext ten books are already bestsellers if you marry the guy.”
“Why are you the second person to say thatto me tonight?” Falling back on her bed, I released a long breath. “I want tomarry him so bad, Lucy.”
Lucy climbed up and lay down next to me.
“What’s holding you back?”
“I think I’m scared. To be that close tohim, to fall in deeper. He already broke my heart once when I was just a kid,and he didn’t even know he was breaking it. This time around he’ll ruin me.” Iclosed my eyes and took a deep breath to clear my mind. “I came this close tojumping on him and holding on for dear life.” I lifted my hand and gestured howmuch with two of my fingers.
Turning on my side, I looked at Lucy. “DidI ever tell you that I asked him to marry me? The first day I saw him at ourhouse? When I was eight years old.”
She propped herself up on one elbow andstudied my face. “Nope. Tell me now.”
I recounted everything I could rememberfrom that day. “Even I had forgotten about that, but apparently he stillremembers.”
There was a moment of silence.
“I think I’m going to say yes.”
“Damn right you are!”
“Should I text him or something?”
She chuckled and whacked a pillow on myface. “No dumbass. Let him think about you until he hears back. You’ll tell himtomorrow.”
I pushed the pillow away from my face. “So,what am I supposed to do now?”
“Go to sleep?”
“Yeah, I don’t think that’s happening any timesoon.”
“Do you want to make a plan?” Her eyes weretwinkling with mischief.
“A plan for what?”
“A plan for how to make Jason Thorn fall inlove with you.”
“I’ll pass.”
“But it’ll be fun!”
“I have no doubt about that, but I alreadyhave a plan.” Scooting down from the bed, I backed away toward the door. “I’lljust love him right to his face.”
“That’s my girl! Show ’em how it’s done.”
“If it all blows up in my face, you’ll helpme pick up the bits and pieces of my heart, right?”
She jumped down from the bed and gave me abig hug.
“Hoes over bros. Always.”