I spent some time thinking about what Ishould do…okay, maybe not a lot of time. After all, who in their right mindwould pass up the chance of spending more time with Jason Thorn in his ownhouse? I mean…come on. Even though I wasn’t as brave as Lucy and wouldn’t gropehim at first contact, there would be no stopping me from ogling his body andthat damn dimple of his.
I was done feeling sorry for myself.
“Bring it on, Jason Thorn,” I muttered witha renewed confidence in myself. After all those years, I’d become the master ofloving him from far away. It would be stupid of me not to take advantage of oursituation.
Reaching for my phone, I sent him a quicktext letting him know that I had no classes on Thursday.
After I went through my nightly routine andreturned to my room, his answering text was sitting pretty in my inbox.
Jason: I’ll pick you up at 6 PM and we’ll waitfor Tom at my house. Until he can join us, please try not to bruise my ego morethan you already have, little one.
I fell asleep with the biggest grin on myface.
Chapter Ten
Thursday morning, I slowly woke up from mydreamless sleep and became aware of a heavy arm lying across my stomach.
“What the hell?” I said groggily as Iforced my eyes open and found Lucy sprawled all over me.
At the sound of my voice, she snuggledcloser and threw one of her legs over mine.
“Lucy,” I groaned, trying unsuccessfully topush her away. “Go back to your own bed, dammit. For once let me sleep inpeace.”
“I can’t,” she muttered, not even botheringto open her eyes. “Jameson fell asleep after our sexathon. I might haveaccidentally fried his brain. No matter what I do he won’t budge.” Her facesnuggled closer to my breasts. “Mmmm. How do you make your boobs feel so softyet so firm? I love sleeping on them. Best. Damn. Pillows. Ever.”
“I’m thinking I should sleep with my doorlocked from now on.”
“I can pick locks, remember?”
“Right. Well, I can’t go back to sleep withyou pawing all over me so go back to your own damn bed.”
“I can’t sleep in the same bed with him.”Blindly, she patted my face. “This is comfy. You go back to sleep too, you arebreathing too much.”
“Sorry to inconvenience you, you crazyoctopus. Why the hell can’t you sleep in the same bed with him?”
“Because.” She stretched out the word as ifshe was talking to a child. “It was a one-night stand and he is breaking therules. If I fall asleep when he is in the same bed with me, it will turn into arelationship.”
“And what is wrong with that again? Yousalivate every time you see the guy, not to mention this is probably the 20thtime you’ve had a one-night stand with him, which isn’t the way one-nightstands work at all. Have a relationship with the guy for god’s sake and save usall the trouble, please.”
“Aurmm yu sleepmy,” she mumbled, alreadyfalling asleep on me.
“Lucy!” I yelled, loud enough to wake herup.
She jolted awake, her sleepy eyes meetingmine. “What? Where are we going? Who’s dead?”
“You are about to be if you don’t get offme.”
“Tonight, you need to fuck Jason Thorn’sbrains out or we’re gonna have to find someone to get you laid. Like pronto.”Huffing, she turned her back to me and comfortably settled down, hogging mypillows and muttering, “Always so selfish about her boobs.”
“I’m starting to feel sorry for Jameson.”
“Don’t. Unlike you, he got it good and hardlast night.”
“Please stop talking. I don’t need thedetails.”
“Not giving away any details, you prude.Just saying, it was pretty satisfying, and you could use some of thatsatisfaction, too. I’m still sore in all the right places.”