“Got it. Thanks. Now, go back to sleep. I’mbegging you.”
When there was no answer from her—which wasa big surprise—I closed my eyes and hoped I would get a few more hours ofsleep.
A few minutes later, Lucy spoke up. Again.
“Olive? Are you awake?”
“No,” I groaned.
“Good. Are you going to fuck Jason Thorn’sbrains out tonight? Because I do want details of that. Like every little dirtydetail. Is he fat and curvy? Short and fat? Veiny? Thick and long? Can youimagine how lucky you’d be if that was the case. Be honest, you never sneakedinto the bathroom when he was taking a shower? I bet even at eighteen his junkwas impressive.”
“Are you done? What time is it anyway?” Imumbled.
“6 AM.”
“I’m going to kill you.”
“Sure you will. And no, I’m not done. Iwant more details. I need more details. Like how does he kiss? Does hekiss the way he kissed in Fast Money or does he kiss the way he kissedin What’s Left of Me?” I could feel her turning in bed to face me,getting more into it. “I mean it’s important to know these details, you know?What’s the reality? Will he gently cup your face when he kisses you? Or will hethread his fingers through your hair and roughly hold you against his body?
“You’ve spent a lot of time thinking aboutthis, haven’t you?” I asked finally.
“Who the hell doesn’t?”
“If I ever find out any of it, I’ll make sureto let you know so you can die in peace. Can we please go to sleep now?”
“Can I spoon you?”
“Will it get you to sleep faster?”
“Just the arm.”
“Just the arm,” she repeated.
She snuggled closer and slowly put her armaround my waist. “Thank you.”
Trying to be as gentle as possible with mywords, I said, “I think Jameson is a keeper, Lucy.” Under the tough exteriorshe showed to the world was the sweetest and most romantic girl I’d ever known.She was even mushier than I was, and that was saying something. The onlyproblem was that she never trusted a man enough to show her weaknesses. Despitethat, the guy sleeping in the room right next to us was proving to be astubborn one. I always liked a guy who knew what he wanted and wasn’t afraid totough it out until he got it. In this case, my money was on Jameson.
“And I think we need to come up witha plan on what you should do with Jason Thorn.” I started to protest, but shetalked over me. “No, hear me out. You are a knockout who has brains, and youalready have a connection there.”
“Can we talk about this some other time?”
“Before you leave for your date tonight?”
“It’s not a date, we’re just going over mycontract with his agent. It’s a…work thing.”
“You say tomato, I say tomato.”
“God, you talk too much in the mornings.”
After that I completely tuned her out andfinally, after several minutes of trying to engage me in a conversation aboutJason, she gave up and let us get some sleep in peace.
“I think I’m a little in love with yourcar,” I said a few minutes after I got in Jason’s car that night.
“Yeah?” he asked, smirking.