Page 18 of To Love Jason Thorn

“I didn’t say that. Actually, I did someresearch and I believe in some cases authors can act as a consultant. Wouldthat be an option for me? Will I have any say in the making of the movie?”

“Olive, trust me, all authors feel the sameway as you do at first, but when the project goes forward and the productionstarts, everything changes. The screenplay isn’t written yet, so we can’treally comment on any changes, but I’ll definitely make sure that you areincluded in the process.”

Thankfully, I was smart enough to know thathaving a say in the screenplay and being ‘included in the process’ were nowherethe same thing.

“Let’s talk about the casting,” he saidwhile I was still trying to decide how to answer.

“Isn’t it a little early for that?” Iasked, fidgeting in my seat.

“That’s one of the first things we focus onbecause securing the right actor for the role will change everything. Wealready have a few names we think would be a perfect fit for Isaac andGenevieve.” He checked the notes in front of him. “For Isaac, your maincharacter, we have one specific actor we are trying to get in touch with, butfor Genevieve we have a pool of names we are going through. Do you have any ideas,maybe suggestions for the casting?”

“Well, when I picture them in my mind, Idon’t see them as other people.”

Lie, Olive. Lie through your teeth.

“I would love to hear the names you’re consideringthough,” I added.

Right at the end of my sentence, the doorto our left opened and Bobby walked back into the room with another man rightbeside him. Keith’s gaze shifted toward them too, and before I knew what washappening, Jason walked in behind them, playing with the phone in his hand.

As in Jason fucking Thorn.

My mouth dropped open.


My Jason.

Double, triple shit!

No, not my, my Jason.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

In shock and stuck in my seat, my mouth wasstill hanging wide open when Bobby chuckled, drawing my attention. I’m sure Iwas a sight to see.

“Olive, I want—” Bobby’s mouth was moving,but none of it was getting through to me.

Remember the peaceful waterfall Lucy triedto trick me into believing I was?

It was gone. All dried up. It was adisaster, really.

I was an avalanche—the mother of allavalanches to be precise.

Jumping up from my seat in a rush, I turnedmy back to them before Jason could notice me. Maybe I was acting crazy, butthere weren’t that many Olives in the world. What if he remembered me? Rememberedmy name?

Damn it!

What if he saw my last name on the bookcover that was sitting so prettily in the middle of the table?

Searching for a quick exit, I found none.Surely it would hurt a bit too much if I tried to break the window and jumpout. Noticing the bar cart next to the window, I shakily made my way toward it.

Damn that Keith guy, why did he keepcalling my name?

Reaching for the pitcher of water that hadfloating lemon and lime slices in it, I grabbed a glass and started pouring.Since my hands were shaking, some of it didn’t land in the glass, but whocared. As soon as it was half full, I chugged it down and poured another one.

Alcohol would’ve worked much better, butwater was doing the trick.

Someone touched my arm, and I was ashamedto say I almost lost my grip on the pitcher, making an even bigger fool ofmyself.