Page 19 of To Love Jason Thorn

“Olive, are you okay?”

Noticing it was just Keith, I slowlylowered the pitcher down and clung to my glass.

“Ah, sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”I tried to smile, but to him it probably looked more like a grimace.

Keith chuckled. “It’s not every day you seea movie star this close. I understand your excitement.”

He understood nothing. Why was he talkingabout Jason as if he was an animal in a zoo?

“Let’s take our seats again so we canintroduce you two. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

Actually I’d hate that, thank you verymuch.

There went my hopes that maybe Keith wouldbe nice enough to smuggle me out of there.

“Sure,” I mumbled, using the glass of wateras a shield in front of my face.

When I glanced at the table, I saw thatHarry was gone and Bobby had taken his seat. Next to him sat the man who hadwalked in next to Bobby.

And then, there was Jason…

I tried not to look at him at all.

Dear God, please help me breathe.

Still using the glass as my shield as Ikept sipping water, I sat down right across from the unknown guy—who had anamused expression on his face—and then I jumped a little and sloshed water onmyself when Keith pulled out the chair next to mine and sat down.

Jesus…geta grip, Olive.

I was ready to jump out of my skin and runaway to find Lucy so I could kill her. Surely this was all happening becauseshe hadn’t come with me.

Keith started the introductions. “This isJason’s agent, Tom Symond, and this is the author I mentioned to you, Tom,Olive T—”

“So very nice to meet you,” I said in alouder voice than Keith’s, interrupting him before he could say my last name.

Tom Symond chuckled, rose up, and reachedfor my hand.

Then I had to get up, too. Don’t you justhate being civil sometimes? As we were shaking hands, I slipped and glanced atJason since he was being so quiet. When I noticed he was looking at me with afrown on his face, I quickly looked away, sat down, and reached for my belovedwater glass.

“Jason Thorn is who we want for the role ofIsaac. We think he’ll be perfect,” Keith started up again.

Damn, but the guy talked too much.

“We still have a lot of things to talkabout, Keith, so let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” said Tom.

I nodded enthusiastically. What kind ofhell was I in that they had brought in the ONE actor that I would be—

“Olive Taylor?”

Oh, god…

Death could be so peaceful. My own heaven.Didn’t that sound nice? Breathing was so overrated anyway.

“Olive?” Jason asked again in a surprisedvoice. There was complete silence in the room.

My stomach grumbled.

Anyone up there? Kill me.