A small line appeared between her brows andshe squinted at me. “Hot. I want it off.” For good measure, she kicked her legsand fumbled with the fly of her jeans.
I slapped my palm on my forehead and turnedoff the light before I reached for her jeans.
As my fingers made contact with her softskin of her stomach, a tingle went through my spine and I had to close my eyes.My dick twitched in my briefs, cursing me.
I wholeheartedly agreed.
Now that she had decided to be helpful, shetilted up her hips into my hands and helped me ease the jeans off down herlegs. I kept my eyes away from her body the whole time. To stay busy, I turnedmy back to her, folded her jeans, and put them on my dresser. Then I reachedfor the shirt she had thrown right across the room and folded that too.
When I faced the bed, I could easily makeout Olive’s form lying on her face right in the middle. Her panties were whitelace too. They looked wonderful on her full, rounded ass. Nothing flat on myOlive. Nothing whatsoever.
For a moment, when I could finally peel myeyes away from her ass, I wondered if she enjoyed sleeping sprawled across thebed just to torture me, because it sure seemed like she did. I picked up an oldshirt of mine from my closet to put on her. As hot as she seemed to think theroom was, I didn’t think she would be very happy to find herself in just herunderwear when she woke up.
It wouldn’t hurt me to have her covered upeither.
Bringing back a glass of water from thekitchen, I woke her up so she could take a few sips. Instead of taking theglass from my hands, she closed her own over mine and drank it all in a few biggulps, all the while grumbling to herself.
As soon as she was done, she plopped ontothe pillows again. After struggling with the covers, I managed to pull theshirt over her and sighed in relief.
That wasn’t so hard now was it?
Getting into bed was much easier for me. Imade sure to stay on the far side of the bed and kept my eyes on Olive to makesure she was still breathing. I must have fallen asleep because I jolted awakewhen I felt Olive’s hair tickling my arm. When I looked down she was lying halfover me and…was she…rubbing herself on my leg?
I groaned and reached down to grab herthigh, but in a maneuver you wouldn’t expect from a drunk she had managed toclimb onto my stomach.
“Olive,” I hissed when I felt the dampnessof her underwear on my lower stomach. Her eyes half open, she glanced down atme and drowsily asked, “Are we having sexy yet?”
Despite the dangerous situation I had foundmyself in, I chuckled and then let it turn into a groan when Olive’s hipsstarted to move over me. I tightened my fingers on her thighs and stopped her.If she did another downward move, my dick would be in hot water.
“Sweetheart, what are you doing?”
“I wanna consummate now.”
I groaned louder and closed my eyes so Icould focus for a second. Olive’s small hands landed on my chest and shestarted to bunch up my shirt. “Off,” she ordered.
“Nothing is coming off,” I said, finallycoming to my senses and gently tipping her off my body and back onto the bed.Instead of fighting me on it like I expected her to, she sighed and muttered,“I need it.” Then she started to lift off her own shirt.
I gripped the hem and pulled it down. “Yourclothes are staying on too, Olive.”
“But I want it so much, Jason.” She lookedat me in the dark, her eyes glazed and her forehead puckered. Her hands let goof the shirt and found their way to my lips, then my cheeks. “I used to lovewatching you smile,” she whispered, half closing her eyes as if she wasimagining our childhood. Her face took on a wistful expression. “I used to lookat you when I was sure no one would notice and just wait for it to appear. Yourdimple, I mean. It made me so giddy. Will you show it to me, now? Lucy said Ishould lick it.” She lifted her eyebrows. “Can I?”
Shaking my head, I smiled. “Sweetheart, youare drunk. How about we go to sleep?”
She huffed and punched the mattresslightly. “But I want…”
“What do you want?” I asked distractedly asI brushed away the strands of hair she was trying to blow away from her face.
“I want Jason.” She uttered the words sosoftly and in such a way that it reminded me of a girl making a birthday wish,eyes closing tightly just before blowing out all the candles. Such an innocentand simple wish, yet all the more powerful to render someone speechless.
Then just like that, a switch went off andher voice turned husky. “I want to come.” Whimpering softly, she lifted herhips off the bed.
“Olive, you have no idea what you’resaying. Let’s go to sleep so you can sober up, okay?”
“Can you give me my toy, Jason who is notJason? I really need it.” Before I could ask what the hell she was talkingabout she grabbed my wrist and pushed my hand into her underwear.