Page 96 of To Love Jason Thorn

Her eyes blinked open and a sweet smilespread across her face. “Jason,” she mumbled quietly. She rested her headagainst my chest and closed her eyes again.

She reeked of alcohol.

I cleared my throat to soften my tone. “It’sme, sweetheart. I’m taking you home.”

“I don’t wanna go,” she murmured. “We werehaving sex.” She looped her arms around my neck more securely and pushed herface farther into my neck.

My body responded to her scent as it alwaysseemed to do lately, but I shook it off. Not here.

My frown back in place, my gaze snappedback to Lucy to see her barely holding back her laughter.

“What the hell is she talking about?” Iforced out with a growl.

“Nothing, nothing,” she said hurriedly.“I’m assuming she was dreaming of you two having sex. She was blubbering abouthoneymoons on her way over here.”



Well, ok then.

Carrying her back to the living room, I sawMarcus waiting in front of the door, his hands crossed against his chest, hisface dark with anger.

“Don’t you ever get in my wayagain,” I said in a low voice when I paused next to him.

“I don’t care who the hell you are, butwhen you end this charade and leave her in a mess, I’ll be the one taking careof her.”

Lucy reached around him and opened the doorfor me, but I couldn’t move from my spot. I was on the edge, having troublejust letting him go without doing some damage.

“You should take Olive home, Jason,” Lucysaid, still holding the door open for us. “She is shivering.” I looked down atOlive and saw that her arms were covered in goose bumps.

Not meeting Marcus’ gaze again, I said aquick thank you to Lucy and drove back home as fast as I could so I could getOlive back in her bed, where she belonged.


Parking my car in the garage, I rested againstmy seat and let out a deep breath. Olive was curled up next to me, snoringsoftly. Rounding the car, I opened the door and called her name.

“Olive, we’re home. Wake up sweetheart.”

“Go away,” she mumbled without even openingher eyes, keeping her back turned to me.

“Olive, baby, can you help me so we can getin the house and go to bed?”

No answer.

Ok then…

I leaned down and carefully cradled her inmy arms again. She didn’t even hesitate to put her arms around my neck andsnuggle closer.

“You’re so warm,” she mumbled, her lipsmoving in a soft caress against the skin of my neck, causing me to grind myteeth together to keep myself from moaning or worse… A moment later, she fellasleep in my arms.

Getting a barely conscious Olive back inthe house proved to be harder than I’d thought it would be. When I finally didmanage to get us inside without any permanent damage, I faltered between thedoors of our rooms. I should’ve put her on her own bed, but I wanted to keep aneye on her throughout the night, just in case she got worse. From what I couldsmell, she’d had more than just a bottle of champagne on her own.

When I put her on my bed, she didn’t evenopen her eyes to see where she was. I reached out and switched on the smallbedside lamp just so I could see if she was all right. The soft yellow lightilluminated the room and helped me to see Olive’s face more clearly. My eyesfell on her clothes, and I tried to decide if I should take them off. Decidingagainst it pretty quickly, I rubbed the back of my neck and let her be, headingto the bathroom to take a quick shower.

I returned to the room and found her tryingto unbutton her jeans and not doing a very good job of it, though she had beensuccessful with taking of her shirt—thankfully, her bra was still on. It wasanother lacy number where I could see through and make out her aroused nipples,but at that point anything was better than nothing.

“Olive, stop.” I hurried to her side andput my hand on hers. “Stop.”