Page 83 of To Love Jason Thorn

Dinner date?


We were following Megan’s instructions to aT, and as we went through her list one by one, we had a whole crew of paparazzifollowing us everywhere—and when I say everywhere, I mean everywhere. Theyall seemed to have forgotten about my sexcapades and chose to focus on our newlove instead. Judging by all the articles and videos everyone kept posting,people were loving it. Everyone who read Olive’s book—which was a large numberof people—were rooting for Olive to win my heart. They all liked the idea of theirtroubled movie star falling for an ordinary, girl-next-door type.

What they didn’t know was that Olive was nothingshort of extraordinary.


After a long flight to London, we finallymade it to our hotel room. “Is this our room? Or should I say palace?” Oliveasked after turning in a circle and taking everything in.

“High ceilings, big windows, two freakingbalconies.”

I chuckled. “I take it you approve.”

“I definitely approve. I’m very happy thatyou’re picking up the bill, though.”

Keeping my eyes up and away from her ass, Itrailed after her and listened to her comments about every room in the suite.

“Jason!” she gasped once she reached the mainbathroom. She looked over her shoulder to make sure I was following her. Not sofortunately for me, she had it all, especially when she bent forward to checkout the…the… I couldn’t even see what she was trying to look at. Her shirt rodeup and all I could see was that damn ass of hers.

“Jason, did you see this?”

She had righted herself and was looking atme, her green eyes sparkling. I knew she was excited about every little thingbecause even the plane food had made her happy.

“Everything is all compartmentalized,it’s so cute. Isn’t it cute? And they keep giving us free champagne, andsnacks, and Danish pastries. I’m literally in heaven right now.”

I didn’t see any of it; all I could feelwas her getting under my damn skin.

After she had eaten two of my pastries ontop of her own, she had fallen asleep all snuggled up against me.

I hadn’t moved an inch the rest of theflight.

“Yes?” I asked, focusing on her face again.

“There is a vintage clawfoot tub in here.”Her voice echoed in the tiled bathroom.

“Great,” I muttered, quickly turning awayfrom her before I lost my damn mind. The things I could do to her in thattub… I didn’t need a visual of her standing next to it.

A few minutes later she found me in myroom. “There are only two bedrooms here,” she commented from the doorway.

I lifted my brow and stared at her. “Twoisn’t enough? How many did you expect to find?”

“No, it’s not that. It’s so big, I justassumed it would be more than two. There is a dining room so if we want toinvite our non-existent friends over for dinner, that will be useful I guess.Anyway, you’re taking this room?” she asked as she entered the room and sat onthe bed. “The other bedroom is bigger; why don’t you take that one? I’d be morecomfortable if you took that one.”

When we’d landed at the airport the sky hadalready been darkening, but I still parted the blinds so the city lights wouldilluminate the room without me having to switch the bright lights on.

I turned around to move out of the room,but Olive was sprawled on the bed, looking up at the ceiling.

“Okay, give it to me.” Oh, how I wish Icould. “What is our itinerary for tonight? Is it something like this? At 8,exit the hotel, make sure to get photographed hand in hand with Jason Thorn. At8:30, enter the restaurant, hand in hand with Jason Thorn. At 9:30, exit therestaurant, laughing and clinging to Jason Thorn.”

Grinning, I sat down next to her and lookedat her upturned face. “I didn’t know my hand was causing you such grief.”

“Your hand… Holding your hand is no griefat all. It’s just weird how detailed she is on her lists, as if she has tomention that I need to smile when I’m looking at you. What does she think I’mgoing to do? Slug you in public or something? And, hell, maybe I’m having amoment and I just want to look at you for a second.”

My fingers stopped playing with the ends ofher soft hair. My voice came out husky when I spoke. “Tell me more about thismoment and I’ll try to answer as best as I can.”

She turned to her side and squinted hereyes at me. Before she could answer, my damn phone vibrated with a new text.